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Config.cpp Logic classes - How do you add in editor amendable variables?

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Gday all,

I have made the exciting jump from creating collections of scripts to actually packaging them up as a mod! Great times!

I am trying to make it flexible - there are 4 components that may or may not be initialised, depending on what the mission designer wants. This works great with scripts because you can specify the init values in the init.sqf... packaging as a mod makes this a little more complicated! Unfortunately a lot of the tutorial content seems to be based around getting units/models into the game as opposed to purely script based mods...

Extract from Config.cpp

class cfgVehicles
class Logic ;
class ZodNavDebugOn : Logic
	displayName = "Enable ZOD init debug";
	vehicleClass = "Modules";
	class Eventhandlers {
		init = "_ok = _this execVM '\NavAids\debugOn.sqf'";
class ZodNavStartAll : Logic
	displayName = "Use all ZOD_NAV modules";
	vehicleClass = "Modules";
	class Eventhandlers {
		init = "_ok = [true, true, true, true] execVM '\NavAids\initNavAids.sqf'";

The ZodNavStartAll class is the one I want to change - As you can see from the init, it is passing 4 booleans to the initNavAids.sqf

The workaround I could use is have an init module (if no values are passed it will default to true) and have 4 placeable modules but what I would prefer is to have a way to place the module, then edit the individual variables...

eg. something like:

class ZodNavStartAll : Logic
	displayName = "Use all ZOD_NAV modules";
	vehicleClass = "Modules";
               //eg something like:
               // class Variables{
                // var = [_initMod1, _initMod2, _initMod3, _initMod4];
               //Default values
               //Checkbox or other way to display and edit the variables in the module inside the editor (eg like when placing waypoints, there is a drop down box for type, speed etc)
               // };
	class Eventhandlers {
		init = "_ok = [_initMod1, _initMod2, _initMod3, _initMod4] execVM '\NavAids\initNavAids.sqf'";

I have seen mods that do this but not sure how to go about it (I have tried:




And google searches of everything I can think of...)

Any pointers would be GREATLY appreciated!

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Read about Arma 3 Module Framework

Then build on example below.


class CfgPatches
class ZOD_NAV_Module
	requiredaddons[] = {"A3_Modules_F"};
	requiredversion = 0.1;
	units[] = {"ZOD_ModuleNavStartAll"};

class CfgFunctions
class ZOD_Modules
	tag = "ZOD";
	class Nav
		file = "ZOD_NAV\modules\functions";
		class moduleNavStartAll {}; // will compile fn_moduleNavStartAll.sqf into ZOD_fnc_moduleNavStartAll function.
                       // class foo {}; // i.e. fn_foo.sqf -> ZOD_fnc_foo
                       // class bar {}; // i.e. fn_bar.sqf -> ZOD_fnc_bar

class CfgFactionClasses
	displayName = "Zod";

class CfgVehicles 
class Logic;
class Module_F: Logic
	class ArgumentsBaseUnits
		class Units;
	class ModuleDescription;

class ZOD_ModuleNavStartAll : Module_F
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "Use all ZOD_NAV modules";
	category = "ZOD";
	author = "Zodd";
	function = "ZOD_fnc_moduleNavStartAll"; // function to call when module is initialized
	isGlobal = 0;
	isPersistent = 0;
	isTriggerActivated = 0;
	class Arguments: ArgumentsBaseUnits
		class Units: Units {};
		class Debug
			displayName = "Debug";
			description = "Enable debugging"; 
			typeName = "BOOL";
			class values
				class Yes
					name = "$STR_lib_info_yes";
					value = 1;
					default = 0;
				class No
					name = "$STR_lib_info_no";
					value = 0;
					default = 1;
		class MyModuleParam1
			displayName = "my param 1";
			description = "my param 1 description"; 
			typeName = "NUMBER";
			defaultValue = 0.1;
		class MyModuleParam2
			displayName = "my param 2";
			description = "my param 2 description";
			typeName = "STRING"; // default
			defaultValue = "hello, world!";


private ["_logic", "_units", "_activated"];
private ["_debug", "_myModuleParam1", "_myModuleParam2"];

_logic = [_this,0,objNull,[objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_units = [_this,1,[],[[]]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_activated = [_this,2,true,[true]] call BIS_fnc_param;

missionNamespace setVariable ["zod_nav_module", _logic]; // make module available for scripts

if (_activated) then {
_debug = _logic getVariable ["Debug", false];
_myModuleParam1 = _logic getVariable ["MyModuleParam1", 0];
_myModuleParam2 = _logic getVariable ["MyModuleParam2", ""];

// ... 

Edited by mrflay

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Gday Flay,

Thanks heaps for your reply - I had not found that link before.

Also thanks for taking the time to not only point me in the right direction but providing some extracts to get me started - a truly helpful reply!

There is a bit to digest in there but I think you have given me enough to get me started - time to put the head down and work through it.

Thanks again - much appreciated!

---------- Post added at 05:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:38 PM ----------

Quick update - Thanks again... that made it so easy. I thought it might take a day of fiddling but within half an hour I got it functioning exactly as I wanted it.

Two very enthusiastic thumbs up mrFlay!

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