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Spawed middle of nowhere at map Bystrica

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Greetings all,

I have had this problem for a long time now and I do not know how to resolve. One of the maps when going into the Armory to test out new weapons, cars etc. I chosen map Bystrica. Unfortunately I am spawned outside the map where there are no vegetation, trees, roads or buildings and it takes me 2 hours to find my way back inside the map out-skirts. I suspect there might be a second map two with this problem. It is really frustrating, dose anyone know of a solution? :confused:


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Bystrica isn't an official map, please post in the relevant mod topic. Sorry, i'm wrong.

Edited by ProfTournesol

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It is an official map, included with the ACR DLC. It suffers from the same effect as custom islands when the Armoury mission is used on those, ie the generated scenarioÅ› are screwed up as there is not a specific adaptation that matches the mission to the map. Since Bystrica is basically an area of the Chernarus map sloppily converted to a more verdant palette the workaround is to play the Armoury mission on Chernarus itself.



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It is an official map, included with the ACR DLC.

Ooops :o, sorry, never installed that DLC (but i bought it anyway :)).

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Well, no big loss there. Almost a year and a half after the extraordinarily buggy release there is still no support provided whatsoever to fix any of the many, many things wrong with it.



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It has such nice scenery but It's no good spawning in the middle of nowhere, there aren't as many maps, 1 year and a half you say??? What are they doing?? This is a long coffee break :confused: Where are the devs ?? :rolleyes:

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It looks like the Map "Takistan (cut out) suffers the same issue) aaah, not helping beeing spawned in the middle of nowhere. I wonder how we can bring these problems to the dev's attention

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