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spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; position values and duration?

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Hi all.

New to the forums :)

Anyways, I was trying some stuff with BIS_dynamicText but could not figure it out completely because I am starting to learn how to code.

Here is the situation:

[format["<t size='0.6'>Hello world! I am %1</t>",(_playerName)],0,0.8,0.5,0,0,8] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
// But this makes it show waaaaay to quick, it's like gone in 1 second.

How do I change the code so it shows longer? Can I also attach a _onScreenTime to the script and then define the speed in that value?

Btw, not very important; but can someone explain me what the ,0,0.8,0.5,0,0,8 values do? I think they have to do with the position of the text, but not sure....

Thanks a lot for help in advance.

Best regards,


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Look for BIS_fnc_dynamicText further down. Proper syntax could look like this:

["Text",1,1,20,2] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText:

1 and 1 are X and Y coordinates. The last two values are duration (20 secs) and fadein time (how long it takes until text is fully visible).

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For A2, A2Free, A2+, ~A3

fnc_dynamicText - Function + sample + video


fnc_dynamicText = {
(_this select 4) cutrsc ["RscTime","plain down"];
_control = (uinamespace getvariable "BIS_InfoTime") displayctrl 112301;
_control ctrlsetstructuredtext parsetext (_this select 0);
sleep (_this select 5);
_pos = ctrlposition _control;
_control ctrlsetfade 0;
_pos set [1,(_pos select 1) + (_this select 3)];
_control ctrlsetposition _pos;
_control ctrlcommit (_this select 1)


["<t size='1.3' color='#00E0FD'>" + "Text" + "</t>",20,-1,-02,3010,5] spawn fnc_dynamicText;

Edited by VVL99

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Anyone knows how to get two at same time? If i have two, the first disappears. How am i able to have two bis_fnc_dynamictext at the same time displaying?

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