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Virtual Ammo Box (VAS) and MCC Help needed!!

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Just getting really confused about the VAS and how to use it...sorry if this is basic question!

basically I have some weapon mods (SCAR) that I can only use through the VAS ammo box but I have no idea how to spawn one of these (which I understand gives you access to

all ARMA3 weapons and items).

Basically I only play in single player - sometime scenarios sometimes I create missions in editor - and have already figured out how to spawn normal ammo boxes no problem using the MCC software - but not the VAS ones that contain everything.

Note I think I might already have the VAS mod installed in my system - in single player missions I get the credits for the mod on the splash screen (its perhaps been installed when I installed the MCC sandbox mod?!?).

However I can't figure out how to spawn a virtual ammo box - have already looked at some of the guides for using VAS i.e spawn a basic NATO weapon box on the editior map and change some of the code for the box to the below:

this addAction["<t color=#ff1111'>Virtual Ammobox</t>", "VAS\open.sqf];

1. #include "VAS\menu.hpp"


3. class CfgFunctions

4. {

5. #include "VAS\cfgfunctions.hpp"


This spawns the ammo box and when I go over it in game I get the Virtual Ammo Box option in red - but it still only lets me view the basic ammo box weapons when I try and explore it!

To confuse me even further using the MCC mission editor I can spawn a custom ammo box that includes the SCAR - bit its a bit time consuming....

Hope someone can guide me on how to spawn a full virtual ammo box in game (i.e do I need to install the full VAS2.2 software standalone - or am I doing something wrong and can a spawn a full virtual box using the MCC?

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I would suggest posting questions about MCC in the MCC thread.http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150909-MCC-Sandbox-3-Dynamic-mission-creating-tool-for-ArmA-3&highlight=mcc

If you are using MCC (mod or mission). You don't need to put the VAS scripts in your mission. Just open the 3D editor from MCC menu 1. Pick any object that you want it to act as VAS ammobox (it can be box or a vehicle or whatever) go to the presets, under "objects" you should find "VAS ammo crate" press "add" to add it into the unit init line and press Apply, then just place the item usinf space bar key.

Enjoy. :o

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thanks - finally got it working!

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