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Hmm...what am i doing wrong?

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I must be doing something wrong...what is it? My code simply will NOT work properly. Please look at my script and comment. Thank you.


InsertionChopper - the name of a West Chopper placed with the editor.

server - a gamelogic placed with the editor.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

enableRadio false

titleText["Petrovice....", "Black In", 7]


playMusic "7thIAmGonaFly"

_camera = "camera" CamCreate [4092.81,5112.39,13.34]

_camera CameraEffect ["Internal","Back"]

_camera camCommit 0

@camCommitted _camera

HostStartsIntro = false

PublicVariable "HostStartsIntro"

usedPlayers = (crew InsertionChopper); PublicVariable "usedPlayers";

?!(local server) : goto "WaitForHost"

?(local server) : titleText["Welcome Host. Map by Kenji.", "plain", 1]

_unusedPlayers = (crew InsertionChopper)

"_x MoveInCargo InsertionChopper" forEach [a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8]

usedPlayers = (crew InsertionChopper) - _unusedPlayers; PublicVariable "usedPlayers"

_LeadGuy = (usedPlayers select 0)

usedPlayers Join _leadGuy; publicVariable "usedPlayers"

HostStartsIntro=true; publicVariable "HostStartsIntro";


?!(local server) : titleText["Welcome client. Map by Kenji", "plain", 1]



_ct = _ct + 1

...Skipped a Crap Load of camera shots

; Tell The Insertion Chopper to Move to the landing Zone

InsertionChopper flyinheight 100

InsertionChopper setPos [(getPos InsertionChopper select 0), (getPos InsertionChopper select 1), 100]

InsertionChopper doMove [(getPos lzInsertion select 0), (getPos lzInsertion select 1)]

InsertionChopper SetSpeedMode "NORMAL"

....Skipped Another Crap load of camera shots. No references to my player or Ai objects were made just cam scripting. All my cam commands ends with @camCommit _camera. I did them with Camera.sqs.


enableRadio false

HostFinishedEject=false; publicVariable "HostFinishedEject"

?!(local server) : goto "WaitForHostFinishedEject"


_j = count usedPlayers

_LeadGuy = (usedPlayers select 0)


_ThisUnit = (usedPlayers select _i)

unassignVehicle _ThisUnit

_ThisUnit Action ["eject", vehicle InsertionChopper]


@(_ThisUnit distance InsertionChopper) > 40

?_j > _i : goto "EjectLoop"

HostFinishedEject=true; publicVariable "HostFinishedEject"



enableRadio true

; Destroy the camera

_camera cameraEffect ["terminate", "back"]

camDestroy _camera

; Start the timer

[] Exec "TimeLimit.sqs"


InsertionChopper doMove getPos ChopperWaitingPosition


<span id='postcolor'>

It gets to the part where it's supposed to eject the guys, but it doesn't. I had a titleText that displayed the count of the usedPlayers array, but my clients always saw either 0 or scalar. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Give me a shout if you can. Thank you.

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PublicVariable will not pass arrays, of anything. Group references yes...

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hmm..I don't have a group reference.

In the editor I have the team as one group, so that when you're choosing your role it apears as one team.

Then in init.sqs I split them up, so that each person can choose their own loadout.

Then I put them back together in the intro. I did not know that it couldn't pass arrays....the comref is very vague on it.

- Do you have an example where you use it more than in that RadioOn.sqs RadioOff.sqs example that I saw in the threads.

- Did you have to put it off in a seperate .sqs or is that just your style?

- Can i enumerate a "Group" like i can an array?

- Can I manipulate global objects from just the host machine? Like '?(local server) : "_x AddWeapon ""HK""" forEach <Public Group>'

I know i'm asking a lot, but I couldn't find this information anywhere. I just ask for a little patience with me

sad.gif . Thanks.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">- Do you have an example where you use it more than in that RadioOn.sqs RadioOff.sqs example that I saw in the threads.

<span id='postcolor'>

Yes, look at the Multiplayer Marker Management on the bn880 web page below. There is 1 other example there I think.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">

- Did you have to put it off in a seperate .sqs or is that just your style?<span id='postcolor'>

I'm not sure by what you mean by 'it', but PublicVariable works in triggers also. (my style and clearer logic)

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">

- Can i enumerate a "Group" like i can an array?

<span id='postcolor'>

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">units grp

Operand types:

grp: Group

Type of returned value:



Arrays of all units in the group.


player in units group player

<span id='postcolor'>

Looks like you can.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Can I manipulate global objects from just the host machine? Like '?(local server) : "_x AddWeapon ""HK""" forEach <Public Group>'

<span id='postcolor'>

Yes, as far as I remember that's actually the best way of doing it. (hopefully what we think is global really is) smile.gif

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Thanks a lot bn88 smile.gif .

I will be able to experiment a little, now that I have a much more narrow range to experiment in. Thanks.

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