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Selectable loadouts (like in the coop defense missions by BIS)

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Does anyone know how to, or a how to learn how to make so that players select loadouts, just like in the defense missions by BIS?

Basically just if you die or acces an ammobox and a menu pops up where you can select between different loadouts is what I'm thinking of.

Thanks :)

Edited by Ethras
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Example of description.ext

respawn = "BASE";
respawnDelay = 8;
respawnDialog = 1;
respawnTemplates[] = {"Wave","MenuPosition","MenuInventory"};

class CfgRespawnInventory
class EE
	displayName = "Explosivos"; // Name visible in the menu
	icon = "icons\explosion.paa"; // Icon displayed next to the name

	// Loadout definition, uses same entries as CfgVehicles classes
	weapons[] = {
	magazines[] = {
	items[] = {
	linkedItems[] = {
	uniformClass = "U_I_CombatUniform";
	backpack = "B_AssaultPack_mcamo";
class ME
	displayName = "Lanzamisiles"; // Name visible in the menu
	icon = "icons\misil.paa" // Icon displayed next to the name

	// Loadout definition, uses same entries as CfgVehicles classes
	weapons[] = {
	magazines[] = {
	items[] = {
	linkedItems[] = {
	uniformClass = "U_I_CombatUniform";
	backpack = "B_AssaultPack_mcamo";


[west, "EE"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory;
[west, "ME"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory;

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This is excactly what I need! Thanks a bunch to both of you :)

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