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Quotations Card Video

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Bit of a longshot this, but does anyone know how BI created the quotation card video? I'd like to emulate what they've done, somehow. Does anyone recognise the interlace effect from any film editing studio or anything? Or does anyone have any bright ideas how we can edit the text? I realise it's probably asking the impossible - but it's worth the post!

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There's an example in this video by Dslyecxi:

(Situational Awareness, Positioning etc.). But the best example is in BIS' official quotation titles from the main campaign...

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1.some effects like the video glitch is coming from this location: Trigger - Effects - Type: Resource - Text: Video Glitch

try and test around those and see what you like.

2. The Arma3 intro you saw on the very begging is a video that the put in, how?

This guy show you how (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19289)

3. Text effects, i got a cool one that i really enjoy (LOOK AT THE BOTTOM)

//////////////////////// Text Effects ///////////////////////////////

Bis_printText =

   _blockCount = count _this;

   _invisCursor = "<t color ='#00000000' shadow = '0'>_</t>";

   //process the input data
   _blocks = [];
   _formats = [];

       _inputData = _x;

       _block     = [_inputData, 0, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
       _format = [_inputData, 1, "<t align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '0.7'>%1</t><br/>", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param;

       //convert strings into array of chars
       _blockArray = toArray _block;
       {_blockArray set [_forEachIndex, toString [_x]]} forEach _blockArray;

       _blocks  = _blocks + [_blockArray];
       _formats = _formats + [_format];
   forEach _this;

   //do the printing
   _processedTextF  = "";

       _blockArray  = _x;
       _blockNr      = _forEachIndex;
       _blockFormat = _formats select _blockNr;
       _blockText   = "";
       _blockTextF  = "";
       _blockTextF_ = "";

           _char = _x;

           _blockText = _blockText + _char;

           _blockTextF  = format[_blockFormat, _blockText + _invisCursor];
           _blockTextF_ = format[_blockFormat, _blockText + "_"];

           //print the output
           [(_processedTextF + _blockTextF_), 0, 0.15, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
           playSound "click";
           sleep 0.07;
           [(_processedTextF + _blockTextF), 0, 0.15, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
           sleep 0.07;
       forEach _blockArray;

       if (_blockNr + 1 < _blockCount) then
           _cursorBlinks = 10;
           _cursorBlinks = 15;

       for "_i" from 1 to _cursorBlinks do
           [_processedTextF + _blockTextF_, 0, 0.15, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
           sleep 0.1;

		["", 0, 0.15, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;

           [_processedTextF + _blockTextF, 0, 0.15, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
           sleep 0.04;

       //store finished block
       _processedTextF  = _processedTextF + _blockTextF;
   forEach _blocks;

   //clean the screen
   ["", 0, 0.15, 5, 0, 0, 90] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;

   ["Nightstalk","<t align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '1.5'>%1</t><br/>"],
["0300","<t align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '0.7'>%1</t><br/>"]
] spawn Bis_printText; 


Where it says "Nightstalk" and "0300" is where you choose what the text should show up.

Hope this helpt you or gave you some ideas :)

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Hi, thanks for the response! Yeah, I'm looking for the text effect that's used in the quotation titles. You see, BIS made the text effect into .ogg files. You can find the quotation text effects in the 'addons' folder of the game, under 'missions'. I think they used something like After Effects... I really want to emulate the quotation video but haven't found any way of coming close. I appreciate your help though! Thanks!

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Thanks man! It's probably something that BIS have concocted themselves, as I have only seen it in official videos!

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well as you say, but i also thinks its just a video so we cant find what you looking for.

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