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Reliable Chernarus In ArmA3, Replacing And Adding Weaponholders To Existing Buildings

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I have basically three questions i'd like to get answered since they would either make our work way easier or help us tto improve our modification.

First of all i'd like to know if there is a reliable way to import the chernarus map into ArmA3, and if the AiA modification would do the job or is just too much "WIP"?

Are there any issues with an importet chernarus? Are there any gamebreaking issues with the AiA package?

Since this question just partially goes into AiA i did include it into this post, therwise i know i could have asked somewhere else - but if anyone has experience with it, please help me out with an answer here. Thanks.

Next question is something i wondered about while playing one of the current DayZ mods for ArmA2, like Epoch or DayZero. The basic vanilla chernarus did not have open hospitals or some of the houses to be enterable - but these versions have.

So from an editing standpoint i'd like to know how they achieved changing these assets? For altis it's pretty much irrelevant since every building is enterable anyways but let's say chernarus is importable and playable?

I know that it's possible to "remove" buildinga that are on the "hardcoded" map per script, at least i read something about it a few days ago. But how exactly did the DayZ guys achieve this and since these mods are not really affiliated to the "original" dayz, where did they get the interiors? Since some of them are basically what DayZ SA showed in it's devblog's?

Last question is very important since it would save us a lot of trouble and work.

Right now, in our game that is not a dayz mod btw, we have loot like dayz has that's lying around in houses etc..

We created a function that lets us set up loot spawn percentages in a dialog, set up a radius and then place a marker where we stand - that marker then gets written into our mysql database and loaded and loot spawned according to it's set percentages.

Right now we have to manually walk through the map and set up these markers. We made it already as easy as possible but Altis is fucking huge and it still will take a lot of time to place them - also they just lie down on the floor, but it would be pretty nice to actually have them placed "realistically" - what leads to my question.

DayZ SA shows us loot items placed under beds, in shelves, on tables - DayZ mod's like the ones i talked about earlier use the same loot distribution.

I seriously doubt that somehow someone went through all these buildings and added the possible spawn points manually to shelves etc. - So how did they do it?

What i imagine would be pretty awesome, since one house type exists more than once that it's possible to create a script that attaches lootspawns to this one housetype like you set them up whereveryou want - and then EVERY house type like this, especially the hardcoded ones that are already on the map, have these spawns since they're attached to them.

That's what would be cool but i have no idea if this is even possible. Has anyone an idea of how to do something like this or how they did it?

thanks for anyone able to help out with an answer to any of these questions (especially the last one since it's the most important!)


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AiA should be the most reliable way to import Chernarus to ArmA 3, as far as i know.


The short and "simple" answer would be that they created the new assets, houses & interiors, them self. Put them into an addon and replaced the original ones with them.


You could try my loot system. Yeah i know shameless self advertising :)


greetings Na_Palm

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Hey, thanks for answering.

to 1 - thats what i thought. guess we have to think about adding it at least for a variant of our mod then. thanks.

to 2 - the thing is that these interiors are used in dayz standalone aswell so either they are allowed to use them and they are "free to get" - or i don't know. replacing them, well i guess that would kind of work like removing them, right?

to 3 - thanks but we have a pretty good selfmade loot system that works like that and even a bit more advanced, but the question was how to place things specificly like in shelfes, on tables, under objects to make it feel "realistic" - also if it'S possible to kid of attach these lootspawns to a building class and that will result in every building especially the ones already on the map containing these spawns - the last part in fact is the most important thing about it.

But still, thanks for trying to help!

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