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Trigger activated by repairing a vehicle

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I have an offroad truck named : 'offrd1' . The "health" of the truck is set to : health=0.25; in the .sqm file.

I have a trigger on the map set: axis=0 , Type: none, activation: anybody, 'present', once. In the condition I have: damage offrd1 > 0.10;

I have tried many combinations of this, as in: setting the number higher or lower then 0.25, and trying < or >.

If i use the "greater than" (>) symbol, the trigger always fires when hitting preview, no need to repair. The trigger does nothing when using a "less than" (<) symbol. I really feel like the trigger condition should be looking for the "health" of the truck, but can't find any commands in the wiki that would seem appropriate to use in this case. I need this trigger to be activated by any faction when they repair the vehicle. I know if its working because I have it sending a hint while testing. This feels like it should be really simple, I guess its not my night. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,


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Hey, thank you for the reply. I will try it tonight when I get home.



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Put "damage offrd1<0.5" :-)

negatory... unfortunately. Tried several variations again, with the spaces removed as you had it. It still works automatically if you use the greater-than symbol.

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