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Deleting profile wipes entire folder

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I mean, entire "Arma 3 - Other Profiles\%PROFILE NAME%\" folder, including everything you keep in it.

And this is not cool, because I just almost lost everything I was working on.

That's how I found myself in such unpleasant (and a little bit silly :D) situation: today I noticed that Debug Console don't save new expressions anymore. It seems like configuration problem, so I decided to delete my profile configuration and create a new one via Configure -> Profile. So I opened said menu and hit "Delete" button. Arma asked it's default "Are you sure?" and without declaration of war deleted all my missions and tutorials that I stored in my profile folder.

I don't know who's responsible for that amazing UI solution, but I'd like to point out on two facts:

1. It's really bad if your application deletes all user-created files without a proper warning.

2. It's really bad if your application deletes all user-created files bypassing Recycle Bin which is actually is pretty amazing thing designed especially to avoid such sorrowful events.

Well, I hope somebody from BIS will do something about that, because it is not really hard to replace "Are you sure?" string with "Are you sure that you want to delete your entire profile folder (including all missions)? This action is irreversable". It's actually reversable but that's not the point.

Moral of the story: don't keep your stuff in profile folder and regularly backup missions that you're working on. :)

Edited by Semiconductor

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There is no "Save expressions from debug console" setting, so there is simply nothing to reset. But I'll check this out later and maybe it will do the trick, thanks for advice. :)

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Nope, it didn't work. Looks like it's a new bug introduced in 1.06, probably caused by those useless "help" buttons. Too bad I figured that out after I wiped my profile folder, manually cleared registry, deleted all mods and MPMissionChace, joined dark brotherhood and sacrificed 13 virgins to the ancient daemon (he failed to fix the problem too btw), deleted and re-downloaded Arma 3 again. Finally I tried to reproduce this bug on my laptop: everything works fine in 1.04 but after updating to 1.06 bug starts to appear.

Heh, just noticed that this issue is already reported and will be fixed. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16080

Edited by Semiconductor

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