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trouble with model, was working but now cant get option to get in as driver?

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#define private		0
#define protected		1
#define public		2

#define TEast		0
#define TWest		1
#define TGuerrila		2
#define TCivilian		3
#define TSideUnknown		4
#define TEnemy		5
#define TFriendly		6
#define TLogic		7

#define VSoft		0
#define VArmor		1
#define VAir		2

#define true	1
#define false	0

#define CanSeeRadar 1
#define CanSeeEye 2
#define CanSeeOptics 4
#define CanSeeEar 8
#define CanSeeCompass 16
#define CanSeeRadarC CanSeeRadar+CanSeeCompass
#define CanSeeAll 31

#define LockNo		0
#define LockCadet		1
#define LockYes		2

class CfgPatches
    class NIT_PeterBuilt
        units[] = {NIT_PeterBuilt};
        weapons[] = {};
        requiredVersion = 1.0;
        requiredAddons[] = {"CAData","CAWeapons","CAWheeled","CAWheeled2","CACharacters2"};

class CfgMovesBasic
  class Actions;
  class DefaultDie;
  class ManActions
                NIT_PeterBuilt_Cargo = "NIT_PeterBuilt_Cargo1";
class CfgMovesMaleSdr: CfgMovesBasic
  class States
       class Crew;

	class Cargo1: Crew
	      file = "\NIT_PeterBuilt\data\anims\Cargo1.rtm";
		  interpolateTo[] = {"KIA_A10_Pilot",1};

class CfgVehicleClasses
    class NIT_PeterBuilt{
               displayName = "NIT_PeterBuilt";

class cfgVehicles
class Car;
class NIT_PeterBuilt : Car
selectionBackLights = "brzdove svetlo";
animated = "true";
audible = 5;
scope = 2;
model = "\NIT_PeterBuilt\NIT_PeterBuilt.p3d";
Icon = "\NIT_PeterBuilt\icons\NIT_PeterBuilt_icon_CO.paa";
mapsize = 12;
enableGPS = 1;
animationSourceHatch = "hatchDriver";
crew = "SoldierGB";
transportSoldier = 3;
cargoAction[] = {"NIT_peterBuiltCargo1"};
cargoIsCoDriver[] = {0};
forceHideDriver =0;
forceHideGunner =0;
driverIsCommander = "True";
damperSize = .1;
damperForce = 1;
terrainCoef = 0.5;
wheelCircumference = 4.513;
side = west;
maxspeed = 130;
fuelCapacity = 200;
armor = 120;
type = VArmor;
cost =100000;
typicalCargo[] = {"civillian"};
acceleration = 5;
accuracy = 0.9;
canBeShot = true;
OccludeSoundWhenIn= 0.031622775;
ObstructSoundWhenIn= 0.17782794;
insideSoundCoef = 1;
hasGunner =0;
weapons[]= {TruckHorn};
driverAction = "TruckDriver";
driverInAction = "TruckDriver";
canFloat = 0;
canLock = LockNo;
turnCoef = 2.5";
displayName = "NIT_PeterBuilt";
unitInfoType = "UnitInfoShip";
               soundEnviron[] = {"",0.031622775,1.0};
	getOutAction = GetOutHigh;
               memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos driver";
               memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos driver dir";
               memoryPointsGetInCoDriver = "pos codriver";
               memoryPointsGetInCoDriverDir ="pos codriver dir";
               memoryPointsGetInCargo = {"pos cargo1"};
	memoryPointsGetInCargoDir = "pos cargo dir 1";
               memoryPointSupply = "doplnovani";
       memoryPointTrackFLL = "tyreTrack_1_1L"; 
	memoryPointTrackFLR = "tyreTrack_1_1R"; 
	memoryPointTrackBLL = "tyreTrack_1_2L"; 
	memoryPointTrackBLR = "tyreTrack_1_2R"; 
	memoryPointTrackFRL = "tyreTrack_2_1L"; 
	memoryPointTrackFRR = "tyreTrack_2_1R"; 
	memoryPointTrackBRL = "tyreTrack_2_2l"; 
	memoryPointTrackBRR = "tyreTrack_2_2r";
               buildCrash0[] = {"Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_01", 0.707946, 1, 200};
	buildCrash1[] = {"Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_02", 0.707946, 1, 200};
	buildCrash2[] = {"Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_03", 0.707946, 1, 200};
	buildCrash3[] = {"Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_building_04", 0.707946, 1, 200};
	soundBuildingCrash[] = {"buildCrash0", 0.25, "buildCrash1", 0.25, "buildCrash2", 0.25, "buildCrash3", 0.25};
	WoodCrash0[] = {"Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_01", 0.707946, 1, 200};
	WoodCrash1[] = {"Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_02", 0.707946, 1, 200};
	WoodCrash2[] = {"Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_03", 0.707946, 1, 200};
	WoodCrash3[] = {"Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_04", 0.707946, 1, 200};
	WoodCrash4[] = {"Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_05", 0.707946, 1, 200};
	WoodCrash5[] = {"Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_mix_wood_06", 0.707946, 1, 200};
	soundWoodCrash[] = {"woodCrash0", 0.166, "woodCrash1", 0.166, "woodCrash2", 0.166, "woodCrash3", 0.166, "woodCrash4", 0.166, "woodCrash5", 0.166};
	ArmorCrash0[] = {"Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_01", 0.707946, 1, 200};
	ArmorCrash1[] = {"Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_02", 0.707946, 1, 200};
	ArmorCrash2[] = {"Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_03", 0.707946, 1, 200};
	ArmorCrash3[] = {"Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Crash\crash_vehicle_04", 0.707946, 1, 200};
	soundArmorCrash[] = {"ArmorCrash0", 0.25, "ArmorCrash1", 0.25, "ArmorCrash2", 0.25, "ArmorCrash3", 0.25}; 

class Sounds{
        class Engine {
sound[] = {"NIT_PeterBuilt\sounds\Engine.wss", 1, 0, 200};
frequency ="( randomizer*0.05 + 0.95 )*rpm";
volume = "engineOn*camPos*(rpm factor[0.25, 0.95])"; 
 class EngineLowIn {
			sound[] = {"NIT_PeterBuilt\sounds\int_Engine_low.wss", db0, 1.0};
			frequency = "1.0 min (rpm + 0.5)";
			volume = "(1-camPos)*(engineOn*(rpm factor[0.85, 0]))";

		class EngineHighIn {
			sound[] = {"NIT_PeterBuilt\sounds\int_engine_hi.wss", db0, 1.0};
			frequency = "1";
			volume = "(1-camPos)*(engineOn*(rpm factor[0.55, 1.0]))";

		class ForsageIn {
			sound[] = {"NIT_PeterBuilt\sounds\int_forsage.wss", db3, 1.1};
			frequency = "1";
			volume = "(1-camPos)*(engineOn*(thrust factor[0.5, 1.0]))";
class AnimationSources
        class DoorL {
                               source = "user";
         class DoorR {
                               source = "user";


class Hitpoints
class HitLGlass
name="sklo predni L";
visual="sklo predni L";
class HitRGlass
name="sklo predni P";
visual="sklo predni P";

class UserActions
class Open_DoorL 
displayName="Open Door"; 
condition="this animationPhase ""doorl"" < 0.3 && (getpos this select 2) < 3 && (speed this < 3) AND Alive(this)"; 
statement="[this] exec""NIT_PeterBuilt\scripts\DoorsOpen.sqs"""; 
onlyforplayer = false;
class Close_DoorL 
displayName="Close Door";
condition="this animationPhase ""doorl"" > 0.3 AND Alive(this)";
statement="[this] exec""NIT_PeterBuilt\scripts\DoorsClose.sqs""";
onlyforplayer = false; 
class Open_DoorR 
displayName="Open Door"; 
condition="this animationPhase ""doorR"" < 0.3 && (getpos this select 2) < 3 && (speed this < 3) AND Alive(this)"; 
statement= "[this] exec""NIT_PeterBuilt\scripts\DoorsOpen.sqs""";
onlyforplayer = false;
class Close_DoorR 
displayName="Close Door";
condition="this animationPhase ""doorl"" > 0.3 AND Alive(this)";
statement="[this] exec""NIT_PeterBuilt\scripts\DoorsClose.sqs""";
onlyforplayer = false; 

class Reflectors
  class Left
   color[] = {0.9,0.8,0.8,1.0};
   ambient[] = {0.1,0.1,0.1,1.0};
   position = "L svetlo";
   direction = "konec L svetla";
   hitpoint = "L svetlo";
   selection = "L svetlo";
   size = 1;
   brightness = 0.5;
  class Right: Left
   position = "P svetlo";
   direction = "konec P svetla";
   hitpoint = "P svetlo";
   selection = "P svetlo";
class Exhausts {
		class exhaust1 {
			position = "vyfuk start";
			direction = "vyfuk konec";
			effect = "ExhaustsEffectBig";

		class exhaust2 { 
			position = "vyfuk start 2";
			direction = "vyfuk konec 2";
                               effect = "ExhaustsEffectBig";


Edited by NITRO65

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Have you created Memory LOD with 'dots' nammed "pos driver", "pos cargo", etc. ?

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yes I did make those in memory lod,it was working don't understand why its not now, I get for some reason get in gunner pos, and back seat but no driver get in ????

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Try to add the line:


And this config there is such a line:

hasGunner =0;

She says that the gunner should not be...

P.S. Config file from Arma1 ?

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thanks guys big help! also made a semi trailor with animations . having trouble with elevator not going up far enough in game. in bulldozer it does ? any ideas??

#define private		0
#define protected		1
#define public		2

#define TEast		0
#define TWest		1
#define TGuerrila		2
#define TCivilian		3
#define TSideUnknown		4
#define TEnemy		5
#define TFriendly		6
#define TLogic		7

#define VSoft		0
#define VArmor		1
#define VAir		2

#define true	1
#define false	0

#define CanSeeRadar 1
#define CanSeeEye 2
#define CanSeeOptics 4
#define CanSeeEar 8
#define CanSeeCompass 16
#define CanSeeRadarC CanSeeRadar+CanSeeCompass
#define CanSeeAll 31

#define LockNo		0
#define LockCadet		1
#define LockYes		2

class CfgFactionClasses
     class BigRigTrailors
           displayName = "Trailors";
           priority = 1;
           side = west;
           primaryLanguage = "EN";

class CfgPatches
    class SemiTrailor
        units[] = {Semi Trailor};
        weapons[] = {};
        requiredVersion = 1.0;
        requiredAddons[] = {"CAData","CAWeapons","CAWheeled","CAWheeled2","CACharacters2","CA_Anims_Char","CAAir2", "CACharacters2"};


class CfgMovesBasic
  class Actions;
  class DefaultDie;
  class ManActions
                SemiTrailorCargo1 = "SemiTrailorCargo1";
class CfgMovesMaleSdr: CfgMovesBasic
  class States
       class Crew;
class SemiTrailorCargo1: Crew
	      file = "\SemiTrailor\data\anims\Cargo1.rtm";
		  interpolateTo[] = {"KIA_A10_Pilot",1};

class CfgVehicleClasses
    class SemiTrailor{
               displayName = "Semi Trailor";
class CfgModels
class Default
	sectionsInherit = "";
	sections[] = {};


class SemiTrailor:Default

	sectionsInherit = "";
	sections[] = 
	skeletonName = "SemiTrailor";
	class Animations
		class wheel_1_1
			type = "rotationX";
			source = "wheel";
			memory = "true";
			angle0 = "0";
			angle1 = "rad -360";
			axis = "";
			maxValue = "1";
			minValue = "0";
			selection = "wheel_1_1";
			sourceAddress = "loop";
		class wheel_1_2 : wheel_1_1
			selection = "wheel_1_2";
           class wheel_2_1 : wheel_1_1
			selection = "wheel_2_1";
		class wheel_2_2:wheel_1_1
			selection = "wheel_2_2";

		class rampa
			type = "rotation";
			source = "rampa";
                               sourceAddress = "clamp";
			memory = "true";
			angle0 = "rad 0";
			angle1 = "rad -90";
			axis = "osa_rampa";
			selection = "rampa";
		class Dvere4
			type = "translationY";
			source = "dvere4";
                               sourceAddress = "clamp";
			memory = "true";
			axis = "osa_dvere4";
			selection = "dvere4";
		class Dvere1
			type = "rotationY";
			memory = "true";
                               sourceAddress = "clamp";
			angle0 = "0";
			angle1 = "-3.0";
			axis = "osa_dvere1";
			selection = "dvere1";
		class Dvere2
			type = "rotationY";
			memory = "true";
                               sourceAddress = "clamp";
			angle0 = "0";
			angle1 = "3.0";
			axis = "osa_dvere2";
			selection = "dvere2";

class cfgVehicles
class Car;
class SemiTrailor:Car
model ="\SemiTrailor\semiTrailor.p3d";
Icon = "\SemiTrailor\icons\SemiTrailor_icon_CO.paa";
mapsize = 12;
enableGPS =1;
cargoAction[] = {"SemiTrailorCargo1"};
cargoIsCoDriver[] = {true, false,true};
getInAction = "GetInLow";
getOutAction = "GetOutLow";
armor = 50;
cost = 50000;
nameSound ="";
accuracy = 5.50;
acceleration = 5;
type = VARMOR;
terrainCoef =0.5;
side = west;
wheelCircumferance = 4.513;
maxspeed = 130;
transportsoldier = 10;
memoryPointsGetInCargo[] = {"pos cargo"};
memoryPointsGetInCargoDir[] = {"pos cargo dir"};
canFloat = 0;
canLock = LockNo;
turnCoef = 2.5;
hasGunner =0;
unitInfoType = UnitInfoShip;
displayName = "SemiTrailor";
animated = 0;

class CfgSounds {
class ElevatorUP {
	name = "Elevator_UP";
	sound[] = {"\SemiTrailor\sounds\Elevator_UP.wss", 0.05, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0, ""};

class ElevatorDown {
	name = "Elevator_Down";
	sound[] = {"\SemiTrailor\sounds\Elevator_Down.wss", 0.05, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0, ""};

       class RampUP {
	name = "rampUP";
	sound[] = {"\SemiTrailor\sounds\rampup.wss", 0.05, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0, ""};

class RampDown {
	name = "rampDown";
	sound[] = {"\SemiTrailor\sounds\rampdown.wss", 0.05, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0, ""};


class eventhandlers
init = "MonitorVM = MonitorSFXVM = [_this select 0] execvm '\SemiTrailor\scripts\monitorSFXVM.sqf';";

class AnimationSources
		class Dvere1 {
		    source = "user";
			animPeriod = 1;
			initPhase = 0;

		class Dvere2{
		    source = "user";
			animPeriod = 1;
			initPhase = 0;

		class rampa {
		    source = "user";
		    animPeriod = 160;
			initPhase = 0;

		class Dvere4 {
		    source = "user";
		    animPeriod = 170;
			initPhase = 0;

	class UserActions {
		class OpenDoors1 {
			displayNameDefault = $STR_AM_OPENDOORS1;
			displayName = "OPEN DOOR1";
			position = "opendoors1";
			radius = 2.5;
			onlyForPlayer = 0;
			condition = "this animationPhase ""Dvere1"" < 0.4 && (getpos this select 2) < 3 && (speed this < 3) AND Alive(this)";
			statement = "[this] exec""SemiTrailor\scripts\DoorsOpen.sqs""";

		class CloseDoors1 {
			displayNameDefault = $STR_AM_CLOSEDOORS1;
			displayName = "CLOSE DOOR1";
			position = "opendoors1";
			radius = 2.5;
			onlyForPlayer = 0;
			condition = "this animationPhase ""Dvere1"" > 0.4 AND Alive(this)";
			statement = "[this] exec""SemiTrailor\scripts\DoorsClose.sqs""";

		class OpenDoors2 {
			displayNameDefault = $STR_DN_OUT_O_DOOR_DEFAULT;
			displayName = $STR_DN_OUT_O_DOOR;
			position = "opendoors2";
			radius = 2.5;
			onlyForPlayer = 0;
			condition = "this animationPhase ""Dvere2"" < 0.4 && (getpos this select 2) < 3 && (speed this < 3) AND Alive(this)";
			statement = "[this] exec""SemiTrailor\scripts\DoorsOpen.sqs""";

		class CloseDoors2 {
			displayNameDefault = $STR_DN_CloseRamp;
			displayName = $STR_DN_OUT_C_DOOR;
			position = "opendoors2";
			radius = 2.5;
			onlyForPlayer = 0;
			condition = "this animationPhase ""Dvere2"" > 0.4 AND Alive(this)";
			statement = "[this] exec""SemiTrailor\scripts\DoorsClose.sqs""";

                       class OpenRampA {
			displayNameDefault = $STR_DN_OpenRamp;
			displayName = "Open Ramp";
			position = "opendoors3";
			radius = 2.5;
			onlyForPlayer = 0;
			condition = "this animationPhase ""rampa"" < 0.5 && (getpos this select 2) < 3 && (speed this < 3) AND Alive(this)";
			statement = "[this] exec""SemiTrailor\scripts\Ramp_BottomOpen.sqs""";

		class CloseRampA{
			displayNameDefault = $STR_DN_CloseRamp;
			displayName = "Close Ramp";
			position = "opendoors3";
			radius = 2.5;
			onlyForPlayer = 0;
			condition = "this animationPhase ""rampa"" > 0.5 AND Alive(this)";
			statement = "[this] exec""SemiTrailor\scripts\Ramp_BottomClose.sqs""";

                       class UPDvere4 {
			displayNameDefault = $STR_DN_UP ELEVATOR;
			displayName = "UP ELEVATOR";
			position = "opendoors4";
			radius = 2.5;
			onlyForPlayer = 0;
			condition = "this animationPhase ""Dvere4"" < 0.5 && (getpos this select 2) < 3 && (speed this < 3) AND Alive(this)";
			statement = "[this] exec""SemiTrailor\scripts\Elevator_UP.sqs""";

		class DownDvere4{
			displayNameDefault = $STR_DN_DOWN ELEVATOR;
			displayName = "DOWN ELEVATOR";
			position = "opendoors4";
			radius = 2.5;
			onlyForPlayer = 0;
			condition = "this animationPhase ""Dvere4"" > 0.5 AND Alive(this)";
			statement = "[this] exec""SemiTrailor\scripts\Elevator_DOWN.sqs""";
	actionBegin1 = "OpenDoors1";
	actionEnd1 = "OpenDoors1";
	actionBegin2 = "OpenDoors2";
	actionEnd2 = "OpenDoors2";
               actionBegin3 = "OpenDoors3";
	actionEnd3 = "OpenDoors3";
               actionBegin4 = "OpenDoors4";
	actionEnd4 = "OpenDoors4";

---------- Post added at 11:16 ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 ----------

Also here is video of semitrailor :) not finished yet !!

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the reason it was not working I found that I had to name the driveraction=truckdriver; now I get a get in driver action in game!

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