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How to make doorway impassable for AI

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Ive got a doorway in a wall that I blocked with crates, but the AI likes to walk straight through it anyways. I have the same problem with them walking straight through sandbags and other things. I read that it has to do with whether or not the object is climbable but it really ruins the feel when u see a squad just walk through walls....

whats the best way to block an AIs path so they cant use the doorway or walk through sandbags?

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Is this door created after the mission is loaded? As far as I've been able to tell, all pathways appear to be calculated and permanent after mission load. So if it's in the editor the AI will recognize a wall, but if it's created after load they will go through it. Some goes both ways as a wall removed will still block ai after load. That's been my experience since OFP, however things might have changed that I am unaware of.

Best answer I have would be to use trigger areas or geometry scripting to manually move the AI away from there.

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no, it is a pre-existing wall with a doorway, the boxes are placed objects that cant be walked through by players, the AI on the other hand...

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