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How difficult would it be to model some "Cobra" soliders?

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make an Opfor based on the Cobra Army from the old GI joe series. Basically having the opfor take on the original uniforms and vehicles from the original cartoon series? specifically cobra troopers like the link here:


along with some vehicles. cannot find pictures on original tanks/jets etc... anyway never done this, just wonder if it would take a lot of time/skill.

IMO, most Inf. stuff is available... from ARMA II AO I could use the opfor army uniforms, change the color, add a mask over the mouth/nose, which is already available, use weapons from that army as well with the AK, rifle and AT. Uniform colors are blue with black gear, the issue I see is making the vehicles.

But I have no idea where to start...perhaps someone with a direction may help? thanks in advance.

Edited by JAndrews1

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hey thanks for moving this to this thread. After reviewing others threads, seems like a ton of work. Not sure I have the time to invest. May be someone would like to do this. may be not.

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