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problem with steerable parachute?

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I'm probably just doing something incredibly wrong but I have had 3 glitches so far while playing around with steerablee parachutes.

the timing appears to be random so Im wondering if anyone has experienced any problems with them?

I had about 6 in the air at the same time (I noticed graphical inconsistencies in the LOD a bit further out....probably unrelated)

the problem was at seemingly random times (close to deletion of parachute) the game would freeze for 10-20 seconds.

been over the script several times and rewritten it a few times as well and I cant see any problems.


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Try posting your code so people can easily reproduce your problem.

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not actually all my code... its a rewrite of KIBOTs code.

_target = _this select 0;
_paraCost = 25;

_lz = getpos _target;

if (commandpointsblu1<_paraCost) exitWith  
call compile format [ "['info',['Not enough command points','Not enough Command Points (%1CP required)']] call bis_fnc_showNotification;",_paracost];
commandpointsblu1 = commandpointsblu1 - _paraCost;
publicVariable "commandpointsblu1";

hint "Reinforcements ETA: 2 minutes";
sleep 60;
hint "Reinforcements ETA: 1 minutes";
sleep 30;
hint "Reinforcements ETA: 30s";
sleep 30;
hint "Paratroopers deployed";

_group = creategroup WEST;
_radius = 150;
_skill = (blufor_ai_skill select 0)+0.2;
_units = ["B_Soldier_ar_F","B_Soldier_F","B_Soldier_LAT_F","B_Soldier_F","B_soldier_gl_F","B_medic_F","B_Soldier_F"];

ADude = ObjNull;
_p = "Steerable_Parachute_F" CreateVehicle [0,0,100];  
_p setPos [(_lz select 0)+(random _radius)-(random _radius), (_lz select 1)+(random _radius)-(random _radius), 130 + random 20];
_x createUnit [[0,0,0], _group, "ADude = this", _skill, "private"] ;
ADude moveindriver _p;
} forEach _units;
ADude = nil;

while {count units _group > 0} do
for "_x" from (count units _group)-1 to 0 step -1 do
	_dude = units _group select _x;
	if !(alive _dude) then 
		[_dude] joinSilent GrpNull;
	if ((getPos _dude select 2) < 2) then 
		[_dude] joinSilent group player;
sleep 1;
deleteGroup _group;

hint "para-Insertion complete.";
sleep 3;
hint format ["Good luck, %1 %2",rank player,name player];

if there is a problem with the script it would be in the while loop at the bottom

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Just tested the code, but added more units, I dropped about 50 guys and saw no graphical glitches. They all touched the ground and joined my squad, the game didn't freeze or anything. Maybe there's somethine else on your mission causing troubles. On a side note, my Arma froze for like 30 secs on random places (like opening the inventory) and I finally found that it only happened when I had my tv capture usb card connected, really weird.

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thx for looking. I havent been able to reproduce it since so I guess the emergency is over for now. :) at least its not this script. like u said its probably somewhere else.

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A question, when I used the steerable chute, the AI never got out the chute when reached land, so I had to make it with non steerable. Steerable is working now?

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