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gunship support for transport choppers

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Hi guys

Could someone please help me with this. Ive been trying all sorts to make it work but my way only half works :mad:

What i want to achive is this:

Transport chopper flys in escorted by a gunship, at the lz ONLY the transport chopper lands, the gunship then circles the lz area (maybe a loiter wp, but at the mo all the chopper does is hover!), then once the transport chopper has entered a trigger then the gunship re joins the transport chopper & the fly off together to be deleted (not lernt how to do that either yet).

Any help would be fantastic please guys.

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Maybe issuing the command LAND only for the transpor chopper will do the trick:


If not, try to combine with, doMove / move / commandMove to the escorts.

And If not, your only chance is to build separate groups with close waypoints, but the trnasport has a "Transport Unload" while the escorts have a "Move".

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Cheers mate

Atbthe moment both choppers are not grouped to each other. They follow sim wps to the lz, 1 has a transport unload wp while the gunship had a loiter wp. This is where things go wrong. Gunships loiter wp is followed by a move (join) wp. That loiter wp has a switch trigger (when transport chop enters its move wp after dropping us off), the loiter is ended & he should move with the other chopper to rtb. Problems im getting are:

When gunship hits loiter wp it just hovers

When we get out of chopper, transport chopper flys off with the gunship still hovering!

I know ive missed something out somehere.

I want the gunship to fly around the lz, about 300m around us while we land & get out. Then i want both birds to fly away together then be deleted. Thats my goal.

Thanks for offering advice mate

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As the move waypoint is reached, if the chopper has conditions to proceed to the next wp, it will stop, and hover.

The trick could be: place some move wp in 300 mts radius from transport unload wp, and use a cycle wp, just as in some other patrol, but break the cycle wp with a switch trigger for the RTB wp. Check the wiki about waypoints and the cycle waypoint.


Should do the trick.

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As the move waypoint is reached, if the chopper has conditions to proceed to the next wp, it will stop, and hover.

The trick could be: place some move wp in 300 mts radius from transport unload wp, and use a cycle wp, just as in some other patrol, but break the cycle wp with a switch trigger for the RTB wp. Check the wiki about waypoints and the cycle waypoint.


Should do the trick.

Cheers mate. That was my last resort method. Ok thanks once again

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