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So I'm working on something, and I've hit a problem. How do I make text appear in the screen like in the the campaign credits?


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First you place a trigger, for exempel on a waypoint near the extract point?

Trigger init:

null = [] execVM "Outro.sqf";

And now you create a outro.sqf in your mission map.

In the Outro.sqf your write:

if (isServer) then {[-1, {

["<t size='0.9'>" + "YOUR TEXT" + "</t>",0.02,0.3,2,-1,0,3011] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;

sleep 10;

["<t size='0.9'>" + "YOUR TEXT" + "</t>",0.02,0.3,2,-1,0,3011] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;

sleep 10;

["<t size='2'>" + "YOUR TEXT<br /><br />YOU CAN HAVE TEXT HERE" + "</t>",0.02,0.3,2,-1,0,3011] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;

sleep 10;

}] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute;};

And yes, this works perfect in MP.

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