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It's crashing again on Wasteland

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It's crashing again. every hour or so now. have recently updated GPU drivers to 331.58. Running the Stable (hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha good one BIS) build. Fault file is arma3.exe

It usually happens just as the game's getting good. Fed up of this, please fix it. Currently feel as if the £30 quid i paid for the game is a complete waste.

To all the you haven't provided enough info, it's probably your crappy pc brigade. NO it's the game that is at fault.

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You tried without wasteland? do you have it also with A3 (no mods or addons)? and are you sure its the A3.exe.

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OP, if you're asking for help while playing a particular mission, ask in the relevant mission thread.

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Dude, what if you post your PC specs? What if you give us some more info? What if some bad script in the mission is causing the crash?

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i7 3770k, 16gb ram, gtx780.

it's killing the server as well on occasion.

this is on Sa-Matras.


Maybe it is the mission....but it's not exactly like A3 is famous for stability is it

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