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Submunitions on rocket launchers problem

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So I tried making an airburst and smoke shell for the Carl Gustav I'm porting but when I load said rounds the players pulls his MX rifle back out however the weapon selected is the CG. If you click fire the rocket is fired on his back. I've tried changing the ammo type to simulation = "shotRocket" but this renders the submunition useless.

Here's the code.

Any ideas?

	class MAAWS_AB_Rocket: SubmunitionBase
	sideairfriction = 0.022;
	thrust = 610;
	thrusttime = 0.9;
	timetolive = 10;
	maxspeed = 750;
	triggerDistance = 5;
	submunitionammo = "Mo_cluster_AP";
	submunitionconeangle = 25;
	submunitionconetype[] = {"randomcenter", 25};
class MAAWS_Smoke_Rocket: SubmunitionBase
	submunitionammo = "SmokeShellArty";
	submunitionconeangle = 5;
	submunitionconetype[] = {"poissondisc", 5};
	triggerdistance = 10;
	sideairfriction = 0.022;
	thrust = 610;
	thrusttime = 0.9;
	timetolive = 10;
	maxspeed = 750;
	deflecting = 0;

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I was trying to do that same, lots of screwing around and trying to get it to work always hits a brickwall at some point. I have tried creating custom classes that inherit all sorts of different dependancies and at some point they don't work as you found either the launcher will stay on the back or the munition does no damage. The only solution will be for Bohemia to modify the Launcer Slot / Simulation to accept more simulation types than 'shotRocket'

It would be super if they just included the simulation of submunitions in the simulation of the base ammo classes and it was only activated if there was a flag set to 1 or something, at the moment it seems to be impossible

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I have never tried to play with the submunition classes, but if you don't succeed that way, as a last resort, you could create submunitions via scripts with a firedeventhandler and CBA...

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