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How do i edit max wave height config to be ridiculously high?

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well I know you can do it in the editor in the intel setting, but even on the largest option theyre not huge. so it may not even be possible to get the height youre going for

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But the intel option only goes so high now, which is ridiculously low. There has to be a way.

This is the code i found in the config:

class Sea {
maxtide = 0;
maxwave = 0.25;
seamaterial = "#water";
seatexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa";
seawavehscale = 1;
seawavexduration = 5000;
seawavexscale = "2.0/50";
seawavezduration = 10000;
seawavezscale = "1.0/50";
shorefoammaterial = "#shorefoam";
shorematerial = "#shore";
shorewetmaterial = "#shorewet";
watergrid = 50;
watermapscale = 20;

This is the code I use in a custom addon:

class CfgPatches
class Saku_dumbmod_swim_stratis
	units[] = {"Altis"};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Map_Altis"};

class CfgWorlds
class CAWorld;
class Altis : CAWorld
	class Sea
		maxwave = 200;

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hmmm Im thinking it would either be in maxwave or seawaveHscale, where maxwave would be the greatest possible wave configurable for that island (via intel or scripting) and seawaveHscale would be the one that the island starts out with (most likely 1 = 1:1 scale, so maybe try 1/2 or something larget).One thing to keep in mind is that the waves might get distorted when you make large, and I doubt youll get any cresting or anything, just large rolling waves. I dont know a lot about Island configs, so Im not the most suited to answer this, I just didnt know if this was at a more basic level of configuring stuff, but it appears it isnt :P

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The last parameters I tried were:

                WaterMapScale = 20;
		WaterGrid = 50;
		MaxTide = 0;
		MaxWave = 0.25;
		SeaWaveXScale = "0.1/50";
		SeaWaveZScale = "0.1/50";
		SeaWaveHScale = 100;
		SeaWaveXDuration = 30000;
		SeaWaveZDuration = 30000;

I don't remember if those were good though ;).

SeaWaveHscale is the most important but if you make the width of the wave too short, it will look ugly, so you need to play with SeaWaveXScale and SeaWaveYScale as well.

You need also to adjust the level of the wave in the editor (to maximize the effect).

It is fun, but the boats react in a weird way unfortunatly and as Jones said, there is no cresting. Also, it looks silly on the shores as you see some tsunami-like waves stopping instantaneously ...

Edited by super-truite

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The last parameters I tried were:

                WaterMapScale = 20;
		WaterGrid = 50;
		MaxTide = 0;
		MaxWave = 0.25;
		SeaWaveXScale = "0.1/50";
		SeaWaveZScale = "0.1/50";
		SeaWaveHScale = 100;
		SeaWaveXDuration = 30000;
		SeaWaveZDuration = 30000;

I don't remember if those were good though ;).

SeaWaveHscale is the most important but if you make the width of the wave too short, it will look ugly, so you need to play with SeaWaveXScale and SeaWaveYScale as well.

You need also to adjust the level of the wave in the editor (to maximize the effect).

It is fun, but the boats react in a weird way unfortunatly and as Jones said, there is no cresting. Also, it looks silly on the shores as you see some tsunami-like waves stopping instantaneously ...

SeaWaveYScale doesn't exist, I think you ment SeaWaveZScale

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you probably will be able to adjust wave height as you want, next year sometime, when they declare the game finished. There's a lot covered by private or protected scope at the moment.

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SeaWaveYScale doesn't exist, I think you ment SeaWaveZScale

Yes, but it is a bit confusing with BIS: one day the Y axis is horizontal, the other it is vertical ;).

edit: On a related note, can you vote for this: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=15576

This would allow to manipulate the sea class more consistently.

Edited by super-truite

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