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Help with an MP cutscene for intro

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Hi all!

Hope someone can help me with this??

I'm attempting to make an intro cutscene for a COOP mission. with out any joy at the moment. I've scrolled the threads and tried to find some answers. I keep seeing OFPEC mentioned, but the site is down atm.

I've also tried the PSX satellite script, which I'm struggling with. I also thought of using a UAV or AC130 script to give the effect I want. Ideally I'd lke to go with the PSX cam I've played with today. Has anybody used this themselves and applied it as a cut scene for their missions?

My scene is this:

A "Satcam" flies over Sangin, zooms in at three decreasing heights onto a moving car, this then stops at a compound, a guy gets out, has a meeting with someone else then gets back in and returns to his own compound, all while being tracked by the Sat cam.

This cutscene I would like to have applied to either the loading screen of the game or at the very start before any players are in game. ideally it would be great if it was on the loading screen (if possible).

pointers, tips and advice would be greatly appreciated!



Edited by SpookyGnu

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what was your resolution, as that at times is more important then the issue.. can you post plz? I was wondering how.

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At first I couldn't get the PSX_satcam to work well on my own mission. I then went into the example and viewed that. Viewed the init, description file and what not, then looked at the video on the website.

After piecing it all together a bit better, I then went back to my own mission and opened my init.sqf. I thought I'd try and copy and paste the init.sqf (from the psx file) over the top of my own because I knew this worked. I then replaced the chicago's location params for my own mission satcam into the init.sqf.

It worked.

BUT! for some reason now, a few days later I go back into it and try to make a new position, the thing doesn't work again. so I need to re-look at things again.

My first solution worked though you could try that. Try opening a blank textfile and paste all your locations in there in order. then copy and paste the example init.sqf into your own and replace the params like I did, that should work that way.

I'm no coding wizard (far from it), but what I did, seemed logical and worked without me having to go researching a load of stuff to to get a quick result.

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