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Twelve months ago Eastern forces invaded Chernarus.

Ten months ago Western forces intervened.

Since arriving, the West has been bitch-slapped on an almost daily basis.

That`s about to change.....

Welcome to the war Alpha One.

Game Type: Single Player

Objective: Battle for grid positions to gain control of zones and own the map.

Instructions: Fight battle. Return to barracks. Rinse, repeat.

Quick start info:

Gain trigger points by killing and winning battles.

Spend trigger points on radio commands.

When the battle starts check your map notes for zone stats and bonuses.

Battle count only includes ground forces.

Win conditions are: At least 20 men and twice the enemy count.

Auto-MultiVac is free, and is initiated when the battle has been won and the enemy is reduced to 9 men.

To end the current battle, enter the upper barracks on the island. Get there by any means necessary. I use the extraction method.

Extraction can be requested at any time, but thereafter, you can no longer win the battle.

Note that the games default configuration (Baptism) is a trainer mode. Some features are turned off, others, such as Intel Reports, are configured at 100% to avoid confusion. Edit the 'config' (3) files in the 'userconfig' folder whenever you feel ready, or copy one of the presets as a base, and tweak as desired.

More info in the text document included in the download.

Good luck Alpha One......and Godspeed.


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I've noticed that I stated 'At least 20 men' and but in the config I had '21' as the value, in all the configs. It's legacy issue. I've amended it so it's fine now, but it appears that 10 or so of you have downloaded a ''rogue' version. I wasn't going bother to mention it because I know you're a bright bunch and would have sussed it anyway, but I had a thought. Here's a tip. Don't amend it, redownload it, because the 'rogue' version maybe be worth a bob or two in fifty years time. Just saying.

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