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Carrier Command: Gaea Mission 1.07 BETA Patch

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New beta patch for CCGM is available at CarrierCommand.com

From this version, it is possible to edit database (items, vehicles speed) via xml files located in scripts/base folder.

We made an example how to add new carrier laser weapons (and one more item). Download CarrierLaserGuns Mod

File: Carrier_Command_Patch_1.07_0023_Beta_SDK.zip
CRC-32: fa626f2b
MD4: 12b40d28ab7a32e1194487a4b74585b6
MD5: 440c5cac4b4c41f796121321f5ec6175
SHA-1: e761ef048305a0d11cee5a479239c0b4404a027e

Patch 1.07.0023 Changelog
- Fixed wrong waypoints in the missions on volcanic terrains.
- Fixed Launch Drones button.
- Fixed situation when the player could get stuck in the elevator.
- Fixed empty red slot on the command bar, when player abandon unit.
- Fixed situation when load occasionally restart the FPS mission.
- Fixed levitating trees on the Terminus island.
- Fixed disappearing Rifle crosshair.
- Fixed possibility to kill yourself with the turret in the Bacchus mission.
- Fixed occasional crash during Timewarp.
- Fixed a few levitating building components after destroying.
- Fixed scanner enhancement, which did not properly show weapons for droids
- Fixed bug when torpedo exploded immediately after launch.
- Fixed situation when player could undock the manta inside a carrier.
- Fixed Repair gun damaging Manta Shield.
- Fixed lag after destroying the last Shield Booster on the island.
- Fixed situation when the carrier came out from Timewarp far away from an island.
- Fixed availability of Set Sail in tutorial mission Treasure.
- Added noise notice when unsuccessfully hacked the Rusty Building.
- Added information about type of turrets when a unit with Scanner is undocked.
- Changed elevation angles of FLAK cannon.
- Removed "invisible" satellite on the Treasure island.

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New beta patch (1.07.0025) for CCGM is available at CarrierCommand.com

File: Carrier_Command_Patch_1_07_0025_Beta_SDK.zip
CRC-32: bf843db5
MD4: 9ffc70d3de8ed092df7c0a6c23cc7523
MD5: 57b04f58a222555394b8368fba23b706
SHA-1: 403410f1ec01730e7caefe0bab157292c1c6d772

Patch 1.07.0025 Changelog
- Added Enemy carrier respawn. The number if its "lives" depends on the current difficulty settings.
- Improved enemy carrier's next-island-to-attack decision making process
- Improved the enemy item production process.
- Improved the enemy tactics when attacking a player controlled island (island takeover).
- Fixed the bug where the enemy carrier would not sail away from its starting position for the entire game.
- Fixed the bug where some objects on Terminus, Deadlock and Vulcan islands would levitate off the ground.
- Fixed the "item was created" bug. The game no longer spams the message when the island storage is full.
- Fixed the problem with the enemy carrier where it would keep restarting its attack on an island.

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The link is not working. It will be fixed ASAP (read: Monday) :)

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The link is not working. It will be fixed ASAP (read: Monday) :)



The link should now be fixed.

Best regards,


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