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Second Monitor blacked out

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Just got ARMA 3 yesterday and installed this morning, and got to wonder a bit.

I have a TV as main screen and a monitor as second screen.

I'm accustomed to have TeamSpec, IRC and such thins running on the second screen so I can see what's happening there.

And now, I start ARMA 3, and the second screen goes black.

So far I don't see any option to set something up.

This is a total show stopper for me and currently annoys me big time.

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I Have this issue on alot of games and it is solved by tabbing out, waiting for 3/4 seconds then tabbing back in.

If that doesn't help, tab out then CTRL+Shift+Esc, select ARMA 3 in the running programs and select 'Switch to'.

Yet another would be to tab out and then clicking the icon on the task bar.

If you are using a full screen program or watching a movie/youtube video full screen, sometimes it will black screen depending on the app/movie player/video player - This can't really be helped. For example, I can't watch Facebook videos or watch a movie through Windows Media Player (Very rare I use that nonsense) and play ARMA or many other games because it will black screen my second monitor.

I watch films/youtube/have TS up on my second screen and doing one of the above usually sorts it out.

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I think its to do with the way DX11 works. The behaviour is different to how A2 worked and it was a DX9 program.

It also interferes with Win7 - constantly poping up a window to kill theme's - you can try ignoring it but it will constantly pop up a demand to reset basic Win7 desktop

Set your game settings to FULLSCREEN WINDOW - you will see your second monitor again, problem gone.

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