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ending mission that works for dedicated server?

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I would like to end a mission, called from the server in a script. So far I got this:

At some point the server detects that one team is out of live players, then

	win_west = true;


I have a trigger in the map that has a condition win_west which fires the BIS mission end function. But it fails in MP when there is more than 1 human player.

Now I am looking for something that forces the mission to end on the server (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_endMission). However the wiki says it is only local where it is fired. If I call this in a script that is only on the server, will it reliably end the mission for all players?

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win_west = true;

publicVariable "win_west";

That will broadcast the variable to all machines, making the end trigger activate.

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