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Help! Diving AI Kills Kittens

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Ok, so technically, the AI did not *really* kill a kitten, but after a few nights of fooling with the divers, with subs, without them, etc, it almost makes me want to....

Some things are better shown via video -- but since this is my first post, it wont let me.

So the text summary version:

I have mission.

Mission has divers.

Divers are cool but I cannot get them to "work right". With subs. Without. Whatever. Subs don't follow waypoints. Divers never go from water to land. No matter where I have them go ashore.

Am I doing something wrong, or is the AI so busted that it would go after furry cute kittens before it would ever choose to do what I want it to?

Edited by OddballSix
Added video.

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First of all, no one wants to know what your mission is or sit through 3 minutes of video explaining it. You gave 20 seconds worth of valuable info, the rest was worthless. You should put the minimum number of "things" (for lack of the right word),in a mission on it's own just to show us what is happening with that one group is doing. So we can see each waypoint in the video, etc.. Just makes us know the specifics of just what you want. I just say that to be helpful not to scold.

I've had little problems doing something similar. You might try ejecting them rather than get out, setting the helicopter to flyinheight etc.. Just a thought.

Second, is AI absolutely HATE rocks and will avoid them at all cost. From the video it seems the rocks were grey. Most of the grey rocks are huge, the brown ones seem to be close to the size you see and the AI hate them a lot less. If there is any rock under the terrain, the AI will avoid it. So what you see and what the AI see are different. Although they can go under rocks like the few caves I found.

The best way to find out if it's the rocks is to find out where they stop, and put a waypoint there (if it's not there already). Rather than hope they will get to the next waypoint you want, create multiple waypoints between where they stop and your next waypoint. That way you know how far they will go; they don't always stop at the closest point. With vehicles, if they can't reach their waypoint, they activate it anyway and move to the next. Soldiers stop. So your divers can't reach the waypoint you gave them.

Now move the in between waypoints around rather than straight. Have them swim to the closest they can in the water then have them swim to another part of the shore. Keep doing that until you find the spot where they will go ashore. Then from their get them where you want them.

I have designed so many missions, spending hours on a mission just to find out they can't do something I designed the mission around. like your problem.

Hope that helps, if not let me know, I might have other was.

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