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EverQuest Next - Hitler's reaction to the lack of holy trinity

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The Everquest's have always been my Arma of MMORpgs. In any case, I thought this was funny.

Edited by David77

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  David77 said:
The Everquest's have always been my Arma of MMORpgs. In any case, I thought this was funny.

I had hope until I saw the graphics (Smurfy WoW clone).

No doubt SOE will use the same excuse Bioware used with SWTOR - 'We used a less demanding style/engine so it will run well on lower end machines'

Yah, and you failed on both counts because it doesn't run particularly well on any machine (the reason why there is STILL no world PvP after over a year) and it looks like crap.

SOE got SWG closed trying to make it like WoW, ruined EQ2 trying to make it like WoW and now it looks like they are just going to flat out copy WoW with EQ:N.


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yeah. They did ruin Eq2 over the last couple of years. The last good xpac for PVE was SF. For PvP it was TsO. With DoV everything went down hill big time. Idk about "trying to make it like WoW"... what about eq2 besides the implimentation of BGs, is like wow? The graphics / models are nothing similar. The PvE is nothing similar. There is no global reuse (aka cooldowns), there are far more abilities for any given class, waaaayy more races & classes. Atleast they brought contested avatars back in eq2 though. Something I never thought would happen again.

If what you mean is that they dumbed the game down, then yes. The only shitty thing about eq2 is when it went f2P & the wonky cash shop bullshit. When it was purely sub based it was great. The only thing similar to wow in regards to EQN, that I can see, are the models / graphics. All else will be "new". "Good" is a different story however. I can only hope it's a sub based model. F2P crap is ruining the genre imo. in regards to F2P in general, now it's not about clearing content for gear, it's about opening your wallet for the cash shop to make shit loads of ingame currency, to buy gear off of an AH. Gear that should be BOP in any case. Totally defeating the purpose of playing the game. So players can stand in a safezone with the inspect window open, admiring their gear... for what reason idk.

Edited by David77

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Unfortunately, what I've gleaned from my exposure to Smedley/SOE over the years is to 'lower my expectations'.

The graphics style is like WoW (AKA Smurfy, cartoony - whatever you want to call it, I am not a fan. I prefer something more realistic/organic but I can probably get past that if the game is good) and I saw one video where characters were flying about the place which looked like something out of Mary Poppins.

I'm not going to speak to how it plays as I have not played it yet but as I said, SOE ruined 2 (and maybe even 3 if you count EQ) games in pursuit of copying WoW so there is no reason to think that they are going to stop now.

Several people I MMO with have also expressed serious concerns where the 'style' is concerned (although the voxel based and totally deformable world is very cool).

I prefer the skill system based MMO as opposed to level based (long time PreCU SWG player) and I am all for a good Sandbox, but I fear that Repopulation is a much better bet than anything SOE is going to come up with where sandboxes are concerned.

With SOE it will more likely be a cat box (and one that is in serious need of emptying).

Believe me, I'll be very happy if I am proved wrong ;)

Edited by BangTail

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  BangTail said:
SOE ruined 2 (and maybe even 3 if you count EQ) games in pursuit of copying WoW so there is no reason to think that they are going to stop now.

Well in all fairness, eq2 and wow were released around the same time in 2004. SOE weren't the ones doing the copying. If anything, WoW was a dumbed down, cartoony, wannabe EQ1 clone. Only later in EQ2's life were there shades of wow cloning. IE; Instanced PvP. Which makes me puke. Aside from that, EQ2 is nothing like world of warcraft. Well atleast it wasn't when I stopped playing a little less than 2 years ago. Don't get me wrong I dislike carebear land known as WoW. Which is why I chose EQ2 back then. The models are far more authentic / realistic. Not to mention eq2 has a crazy amount of abilities /spells compared to wow. 8 - 10 hotbars anyone? All without the crutch known as global reuse (cools). haha

I hope you're wrong about EQN aswell =P. But I'm not very hopeful either unfortunately =/. The thread wasn't about discussing the game though, it's more about having a good laugh at the video.

Edited by David77

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Ok np on the direction of the thread, I'll just offer a couple of final thoughts - EQ2 was fine at release (as it was it's own animal), it was at least 2 years after it's launch when the changes started (essentially when WoW was through the roof and EQ2 was not even remotely competitive), same with SWG.

EQ2 still looks fairly good today(was playing it a month or two ago), albeit that engine still doesn't run well, even on ultra modern hardware.

Just wanted to be clear :D

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Yeah it's surprisingly like Arma lol. Very cpu intensive. SOE along with BI, built the game(s) around single core monster processors. EQ2 still has bad performance compared to what it should be, with today's available hardware. It does look very good though for a dated game.

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