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Army of the Czech Republic

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I bought the ArmA II Complete Collection in June, and I could never seem to figure out why I could not access all of the ACR vehicles that are advertised.

After some investigation, I realized that it says you need combined operations to run ACR.

Two questions:

-Does the Complete Collection not come with Combined Operations?

-If I get Combined Operations now, will it mess anything up and will I be able to run ACR?

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There is way to activate all the content of ARMA 2 complete.

Mainly, you need to run all the ARMA 2 contents in order at least once, so it sets up, downloads and install all the DLC, then it will load all the content the next time you start ARMA 2 operation arrowhead, not ARMA 2.


Run ARMA 2, setup your settings, quit and close

Run ARMA 2 Arrowhead, quit and close

Run PMC DLC, quit and close

Run British DLC, quit and close

Run ACR DLC, quit and close.

Also, run and install the latest beta patch.

Then the next time you run ARMA 2 OA, the game will become Combined Operations as it should auto load the DLCs.

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