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Sharing my formula for dynamic, realistic missions

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So lately I've been having a ton of fun knocking around in single player with some really simple yet really fun missions that I've created. Thought I'd share my method with anyone who's looking for simple yet fun missions to play solo.

For example I've been playing a lot on the Takistan map. I'm simple a 5-man unit of US Army SF operators. I operate out of the empty base near Rasman which I've complemented with H blocks, gates, and sentry towers with a few infantry units acting as gate guards. Now I get creative with Ambient Combat module, placing one with a wide area around the base synched to one of my nonplayable gate guards that only spawns US Army units that are constantly moving/flying around the base and Rasman (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ambient_Combat_Manager for tips/options). Feels and looks a lot like Bagram Air Base (which I was at for a month, haha).

Next comes more ACMs which I've located in the various villages and towns around Takistan. Each of these ACMs are synched to triggers in each individual town. The triggers are operated by the presence of a civilian Takistani that I've placed in each town (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/trigger#Activation). So long as the civilian is within the trigger radius (default, 50 meters) the ACM that is synched to that trigger will constantly spawn only Takistani insurgent units in the town and the immediate vicinity (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ambient_Combat_Manager#Configuration). Once the civilian is removed (either via force or death) that particular ACM is deactivated (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/trigger#On_Dea.28ctivation.29).

The only things I use are ACE2 and the Civilian Interaction Module/Civilian Reaction Module made by Nielsen (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15664). Highly recommended as it adds a unique layer of depth to these missions and is easy to use. That and he Ambient Civilians/Ambient Civilian Vehicles modules add an ROE element to each mission that can sometimes be challenging, plus it adds some cool random events and lets me take down my civilian target nonlethally if I need to! I'm also using the SecOps module for the easy air support/artillery/transport options, with the default helo switched to a CH-47 (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Secondary_Operations_Manager#Quickstart and http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Secondary_Operations_Manager#Replacing_the_Default_Vehicles for how-to's).

All of this, no joke, can be done with some of the simplest scripting imaginable. Just read those links carefully and you can get to making missions like these, too. Of course it's very sandbox-style, so no directives or objectives unless you want to make those yourself. Honestly each time you load and play is different.

So what do you think? Suggestions to make it more immersive? Improvements? Hopefully this will bring as much enjoyment to some of you as it has to me. Thanks for your time.

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I think this is a great idea for making some interesting singleplayer action without walking a straight line from start to end as in the given missions!

//What I could imagine are some OPFOR strongholds on the map far away from your base. Some BLUFOR AI-squads may frequently start attacks and the player can join whenever he wants.

You can also send some patrols around the enemy areas.

//Additionally the implemented support radio can be interesting. The computer will send a MEDEVAC when support is called by the AI. I made a sp-mission with this support via radio and I was surprised about how the AI reacts among themselves. The AI will send a support call and another AI will fly straight towards the battlefield and supports them. So the world gets vivid which actually is the intention for such a "world" you want to create.


//Perhaps you can also use BIS_fnc_UnitCapture to record some vehicle-movements and play it afterwards. E.g. for suicide attacks on your base.


//Another idea would be a board where you can start several missions by script. You could collect all your ideas for given missions and make them accessible in one mission.

If the missions are getting bigger, I guess it is necessary to find out how you can "outsource" them. Means that you will load those missions...

So it would be better to keep those missions small to have them in the same environment so they can react among themselves sometimes.

I really like your idea - kind'a awkward that I didn't made such an environment on my own so far because actually its a simple idea...

Gonna try out your suggested methods and will share my results and ideas later on ;)


Edited by _qoR

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