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Unlock support assets via Trigger/Condition? also Move custom units across map?

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Can't imagine this hasn't been asked but couldn't find an adequate answer via search.

Fairly simple, I have a base all set up with support assets. They're all sync'd and working but I don't want the player to have access to them at the start of the mission. So essentially I just need to know how I can set it up so that they unlock via a trigger or met condition. So I reach an area and a hint pops up saying Artillery support authorized or similarly I complete an objective and it then becomes available. Also is it possible to refill the artillery, I have it set right now to only allow 3 calls for arty support. If I make a long mission and want to refill that with 3 more support calls how would I go about that.

Second question, I have a 5 man squad of custom units, by custom I simply mean I gave them a specific load-out of gear. I was wondering how I might go about altering their load outs during the mission? The scenario is they start a mission at night with the need for stealth so all their weapons are suppressed. As the mission shifts to day and the need for stealth is gone I wanted to have them keep their same load out but simply remove the silencers. I don't care if ammo/supplies are refilled just want the suppressors removed. How might I accomplish that?

Thanks in advance!

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Don't synch the Support Requester to the player, just give it a name like support_module. When you're ready to give the player access to artillery run this:

support_module synchronizeObjectsAdd [player];

As for keeping them refilled, easiest is to just use Virtual Artillery instead.

To remove a suppressor use:

_unit removePrimaryWeaponItem "item";

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Also it seems that BIS has an extra function for that now:

[player, SupportRequestModule, SupportProvideModule] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;

Probably does the same like kylanias solution in your case. If you want to connect other supports later, like "give the player a supply drop after first mission objective and CAS after second mission objective" than don't synch the different modules with each other from the beginning but use the above function to do so at runtime.

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