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ArmA 2 OA Editor - Simple Infantry Ambush On Armour

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Hey guys!!

I am sure this has been asked many times in the forum but the techniques I have used have not worked... I am trying to get a group of insurgents to fire upon an APC with AK's and Machine guns... I Do not want them destroying the APC just spraying it so that the players inside the APC will react and jump out of the APC countering the ambush. Also I would hope for the APC to stop moving when it comes under fire....

Any help would be greatly appreciated!! :D

Thanks in advance

Natan Brody

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Okay the last part is easy but difficult at the same time :D

You can either use setVelocity and zero the velocity, effectively stopping the APC. But if the driver steps on the gas, your APC will move forward nevertheless.

So you have to figure out how you would like to pin down the APC: emptying the fuel tank (destroying the fuel tank should add some realism) or using setVelocity in a while loop until there is no crew in the APC (which would look weird because your APC could move forward, but isn't).

Okay, but you need to react to getting attacked in order to stop the APC and taking an appropriate reaction - using addEventHandler and the "Hit" event, you should be able to script the above meantioned steps.

You can use the damage command to get the overall damage to your APC and stop the APC not until a specific value has been reached first (like 0.25 which translates to 25% damage).

And if the crew refuse to get outta the APC, you could use action in conjunction with "Eject" to get 'em out of it.

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Ok thanks man !!!

---------- Post added at 11:09 ---------- Previous post was at 10:08 ----------

I also tried a different way I attatched a invisible target to the APC and the AI shoots them giving the effect I wanted but now I have another issue when I am making the ambush I use two waypoints a hold one and a move triggered by a trigger but when the trigger goes off the AI are not firing they are staying in the hold fire and stealth mode any ideas???

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Also Could you tell me how to set the fuel tank as destroyed

---------- Post added at 18:00 ---------- Previous post was at 17:26 ----------

Also Could you tell me how to set the fuel tank as destroyed

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myArmour setHit["palivo", 1];

For the trigger part - maybe setting the behavior you want in the move-trigger will help?

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