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airborne script

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I am trying to write a script where a group of soldiers can eject out of an aircraft one at a time. Here is the code

_squad = _this select 0;      //group that to be airdropped
_aircraft = _this select 1;   //transportation aircraft
_squadmember = units _squad;  //array of group members

_m = 0;				   //first element in array
_n = count _squadmember;      //number of group memebers

if(_n==3) then {hint "3";};  //debugging purpose

//a soldier is ejected every 0.5 second, but the code inside 
//the while loop only run once.

while {_m<_n} do {
(_squadmember select _m) action ["EJECT",_aircraft];
player globalChat format["%1",_m]; //debugging purpose
sleep 0.5;


The script is executed with the following line in the trigger

[squad,heli] exec "jump.sqf"

where "squad" is group of 3 soldiers and "heli" the name of the helicopter

However, the code inside the while loop only run once and only one soldier is ejected. It seems the value _m never go above 1.

What can possibly go wrong?

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where is _m++? I think that's your problem... that's why _m never get pass 1

I was testing it with for loop so I forgot to add it back. The result is still the same with "_m=_m+1" inside the code. Here is intended code, but it is still not working

_squad = _this select 0;      //group that to be airdropped
_aircraft = _this select 1;   //transportation aircraft
_squadmember = units _squad;  //array of group members

_m = 0;				   //first element in array
_n = count _squadmember;      //number of group memebers

if(_n==3) then {hint "3";};  //debugging purpose

//a soldier is ejected every 0.5 second, but the code inside 
//the while loop only run once.

while {_m<_n} do {
(_squadmember select _m) action ["EJECT",_aircraft];
player globalChat format["%1",_m]; //debugging purpose
sleep 0.5;


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solved. I am not suppose to use exec to execute script. execVM is the right command

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