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Help with Rescue Task to Complete after multiple conditions are met

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First, I'm rather new to mission editing so need some help with this to finish a task I'm working on. It involves rescuing 2 downed pilots, destroying the downed helo, and bringing the 2 pilots back to a certain spot at base to trigger the task as complete. I need help on what commands to use or how to do it to meet those objectives in one task if possible before it says completed.

I used !alive for the helo but what would I use to meet the other condition for returning to base? Never done this before, so point me with an example or link. :yay: I also have the pilots set as a trigger to follow a group so they can be commanded by that group using joinSilent.

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So the trigger should fire when the helo is destroyed and when the pilot is in a certain area?

Set the trigger covering the area where the pilot should be, activate by the side of the pilot, condition:

!alive heloname && pilotname in thislist

Inviato dal mio GT-I9300 con Tapatalk 4

Edited by Antorugby

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Trigger settings: west present (or which ever side the pilots are)


!alive helo and pilot1 in thislist and pilot2 in thislist

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You'd have those as three separate tasks really. Or simplify it down to "pilots in trigger and helo dead", not worrying about what group the pilots were in. Have a trigger at base called "homeplate" then use:

!alive helicopter && ({alive _x && ([homeplate, _x] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger)} count [pilot1, pilot2] > 0)

That'll check that the helicopter has been destroyed and at least one pilot is alive and in the base. If you wanted to force it to be both change the > 0 to be == 2 but I'd call a partial rescue still a success. :) You'd probably want another trigger somewhere checking for !alive pilot1 && !alive pilot2 to fail the mission.

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Thanks guys, that helps a lot! Just wanted it in one task because of how I'm designing the mission as each task a separate mission, lol.

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