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Bug as a cheat

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Strange bug appeared last Saturday while playing on our dedicated server.

While playing in the middle of the game one of our clan member was suddenly caught in TwilightZone. On very close combat map (HexxenSchuesell) he was suddenly all alone on the map. Shooting stopped, he couldn't see friendly or enemy players. Messages also stopped comming. He was still able to send messages (though they wouldn't be displayed on his side), and we were able to see him wondering around the map, but on his side he was completely alone.

If we would shoot at him, nothing would happen, he would survive. But when he throwed bomb on our spawn area he easily killed us all. Also, he was able to steal enemies flag and bring it back.

Trying to kick him was without effect, and after he would disconnect from his side, he was unable to connect again to the server before we would restart it.

Same thing happened same night on C&H-TwoTinyIslands map, but this time to me. After around 20min of playing the map, I was in TwilightZone, choppers stopped to attack me, sounds of battle stopped.

Others where able to see me on the 'P' list with ping still higher then 0.

Just to mention that in both cases ping was really low (around 5-10ms) so connection problems should be out of question.

Welcome to TwilightZone smile.gif

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Its the ghosting issue...they know about it and from what they are reporting in the sticky thread at the top of this board in regard to the test server, they have located the problem. Hope the new patch comes out soon.

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Did u ever experienced to be killed by "ghost" who has normal ping, can write to you but u can't write to him, "ghost" which can steal your flag and u can't kill him?

Maybe we are referring to the same thing, maybe not.

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