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Is limiting inputAction possible?

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I would like to limit inputActions related to throttle position in response on various conditions in order to simulate dynamic FM. For example the condition: if (something) then {set inputAction "HeliUp" at some level} does not work apparently nor my playing with variables based on the inputAction.

I know that [FRL]Myke posted such request a couple years ago and I'm wondering whether it is possible now to manipulate these commands and pass it back to the game or not. I did some tests but I can not trust my scripting skills as much to be abolutely sure that the issue has not been addressed yet.

Perhaps, is there any different method like limiting joystick movement (via scripting)? Any ideas?


Edited by NightIntruder

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I meant that you can change values of Throttle of a helicopter by movement of HOTAS lever, however you will not be able to limit its values if you need ie. decrease a value of variable inputAction "HeliThrottlePos" to the max level 0.5 (orginal values are from 0 to 2.0) in order to simulate engine failure or impact of high altitude on engine's performance. It seems to me that you cannot manipulate all these values, which come from inputAction "BLABLABLA", and pass them back to the game "on-the-fly".

Please, look also here:


Edited by NightIntruder

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