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I'm going insane here.

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Player will not unassignvehicle and re-assign to a new vehicle.

Player starts in a cessna with "moveindriver cessna".

I have him landing a cessna then heading to a [get in] for a car as cargo.

At the car's unload I have him unassigned with "unassignvehicle player" then heading off to a [move] wp then on to another [get in] for a chopper. After the move wp is crossed a [get in] does not appear for the chopper but is back onto the stupid car he was just unassigned from.

The "assignascargo chopper" command is written in the move wp between the car and the chopper. The chopper [get in] refuses to appear while this car exists. If I remove the car and place him alone the waypoints work fine and there is a [get in] for the chopper. This doesn't seem to make any sense. Is there a problem regarding assigning then unassigning and re-assigning to multiple vehicles?

Thanks for any help.

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hmm, try leaveVehicle command too

and do player assignAsCargo chopper, then [Player] orderGetIn true;

EDIT: i think someone needs to have a look at your problem in the editor... it's just hard to solve it otherwise

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Hi, I've tried the leavevehicle but all that does is automatically kick the player out of a vehicle which doesn't require input from the user. As opposed to get out which requires user input. I have ordergetin true as well. I've tried it on the same line in the same field box and in a separate wp field box. Incidently I have played around with another mission and had three or four vehicles that the player was assigned to and never had a problem. It seems since installing Resistence the editor does odd things.

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Ok, apperantly, the unassignvehicle/assignascargo commands do not work in conjunction with waypoints. So youre going to have to do this with either ALL waypoints, or ALL assign/unassign commands.

Heres how it would go with waypoints:

Using moveindriver for the cessna wont harm anything, so after that, put his getin waypoint right on the car. If the car's driver seat is ocupied, he will get in a cargo space anyway.

At the car's unload spot, give the car an unload waypoint, and synchronize it to a get out waypoint for the unit thats doing this. You should see a blue line between the two waypoints if done right.

After his get out waypoint, put the move waypoint, and then the get in waypoint for the chopper the same way you did it for the first car. If the chopper has a pilot and gunner, he will get into a cargo space by himself.

Hope this helps.

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I didn't consider a get out wp with an unload wp but unfortunately it didn't help. The car is still holding onto the player. Perhaps something about this is corrupt and I should probably start over from scratch to fix it. Anyway I made a cheesy workaround though I created an extra [get in] wp near the chopper's actual [get in] wp and for some odd reason it sort of worked. When the extra [get in] waypoint is reached the car's [get in] appears abruptly then switches to the chopper's [get in]. It looks lame for an instant but I have waypoint continuity now smile.gif.

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Well, as long as it works... smile.gif

And yeah, sometimes something you put in towards the begining bites you in the ass when you try to make changes later on.

Any more questions, feel free to ask. Happy gaming.

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