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Global banned on Arma 3 by BattlEye. Gamehack #38

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So yes. I cheated in the Dayzmod one time. Got globally banned and didn't care much about that. So today I buyed Arma 3: Deluxe Edition and wanted to join a game, but I can't and no I haven't used any hack in this game at all. Only in Dayz which is an Arma 2 mod. So how I am supposed to fix this? I do not want to make a new steam account and buy it again. Seriously disappointed. I am also out of money and I have really been looking forward to playing this game.This sucks. :(

Edit: I saw that cheatengine was running in the background for Borderlands 2 and I shut it down, now I can play online again. Wtf?

Edited by elaola

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You were probably kicked by battleye after it recognized that you were running cheat engine. Global bans usually aren't immediate and are handed after some time has passed.

Hope that you haven't been flagged for a global ban at a later date.

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