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Jet Retexture

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I have retexured the A-143 Buzzard to the Breitling L-39 Display jet [As its a display jet weapons have been removed except the flares]. If it is possible and someone could help/advise me on how to do so i would be looking to remove the gun pod and add smoke/die trails...

[THE JET IS CONFIG'D AS BLUFOR] DOWNLOAD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bm179mnpmgjkhbc/bcg_a_retex.pbo



Might have a go at this:


thanks to Surpher for config help

Edited by brad7

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In your hiddenSelectionsTextures[], "\bcg_a_retex\Data\display_jet_body2_co.paa.paa" should be "\bcg_a_retex\Data\display_jet_body2_co.paa" You have .paa.paa when it should be .paa

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Dont know how that got there :j: haha cheers its looking alot better now :D

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nice job. could you point me in a direction on a tutorial on how to add units in game? i can only use retexture scripts not sure how to do config etc

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Great retexture, I'm also working on a retexture of this jet and want to ask: did you use a template? If yes, where have you got it? If not, what were your tricks? :D

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nice job. could you point me in a direction on a tutorial on how to add units in game? i can only use retexture scripts not sure how to do config etc

I would recommend taking a look here http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Modding_Characters this has a lot of guides and plenty of details lol. It's really helped me a lot with starting to build my own unit pack for my Squad.

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nice job. could you point me in a direction on a tutorial on how to add units in game? i can only use retexture scripts not sure how to do config etc

To be honest with you neither can i see what you can come up with and if you run into trouble there are plenty of people that can help. [surpher basically rewrote mine]

Great retexture, I'm also working on a retexture of this jet and want to ask: did you use a template? If yes, where have you got it? If not, what were your tricks? :D

Nah, no template unfortunatley just spent a couple hours going over the existing textures and finding areas of the texture corresponding to the jet and basically using free selection to select areas of texture [time consuming but it works]

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would you be so kind to release a PSD so other people like me can have ago a retexturing the same plane??

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