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Strange parse number behaviour

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Ok heres a weird one..

_objID = parseNumber("1620035"); // will return 1.62004e+006

Can anyone explain why parseNumber is returning this weird number, and also how to make it stop?

eg this breaks some code (run on altis)

_objID = parseNumber("1620035"); // will return 1.62004e+006

_pos = [22980.9,18883.5,-0.458173];

_obj = _pos nearestObject _objID; // will find: 62a1eb00# 1620035: shed_big_f.p3d

_objID = 1.62004e+006;

_obj = _pos nearestObject _objID; // will find: 1620040: b_ficusc1s_f.p3d

as you can see on that last line above the object id has rounded up?? to 1620040

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Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I have been experiencing this same issue and am unable to find a resolution.

I have created an array of editor objects (actually they are what I call building "profiles" which contain quite a bit of useful information about the buildings such as the number of positions inside, classname, number of doorways, number of windows, coordinates of all entries and exists, etc) which I then plan to call random elements from and perform some random operations specific to the mission.

For arguments sake, lets say this:

aoHouses = [1081388,1081509,1080931,1081274];

The problem is that these editor objects are 7 digits, 1 digit longer than what is allowed and therefore results in a float being returned when you select an element from the array.

For example:

hint format ["The selected building ID is %1",aoHouses select 0];

Will return:

The selected building ID is 1.08139e+006

I've tried some workarounds with strings and parseNumber, but with the same result. I also tried to modify a similar issue as described by KillzoneKid here but without any luck.

For a simple example, let's say I want to name a building:

House1 = (getpos player nearestObject (aoHouses select 0);

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can select these elements and pass the proper numeric representation to a script?

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Well in arma the number behavior is a bit annoying and so forth, but you cant get around it, the e+006 is just a fancy way of saying 1 million. and further more you means the amount of 0's after

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_objID = parseNumber("1620035"); // will return 1.62004e+006

No. parseNumber returns 1620035, but whatever you're using to read the value converts it to a string using scientific notation, and loses some of the precision. 1.62004e+006 is 1620040.

Just wrote a simple function that converts to string without using scientific notation.

MTP_fnc_numberToString =
   _number = _this;
   _str = "";
   if (_number % 1 == 0) then
       while { _number > 0 } do
           _digit = floor (_number % 10);
           _str = (str _digit) + _str;
           _number = floor (_number / 10);
       _decimals = _number % 1;
       _decimals = _decimals * 1000000;
       _number = floor _number;
       _str = _number call MTP_fnc_numberToString;
       _str = _str + "." + str _decimals;



1620035 call MTP_fnc_numberToString



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I have a similar question, but i can't open a thread so I ask it here.

My problem is i want to save the fuel in my data base. Saving works fine but if i load it

get it as string so i wanted to use parseNumber to convert it in a number.

And the problem is if for e.g my string is "0.5125"then parseNumber gives me 0 back.

and also for "0,5125".

Since i couldn't find i solution in this forum i ask it here.

Sincerely yours


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