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Targeting soldiers with tank

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I have a question, I'm not sure if this was a problem before but since I started playing again with resistance and playing with the original campaing I don't seem to be able to target soldiers when I'm in a tank. They don't show up as threats or even seem to see them when they are just a few hundred meters away. If they are RPG soldiers they will see them and shoot at them but I can't target soldiers unless I'm really close. This is ofcourse when I'm the tank commander.

Is this the way it should be or is it a bug???

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Normally you have to use the lock target button on the soldier (ie right mouse)... having said that, your AI player must have recognized a person before you can lock on. This is what I have observed and it really stinks. smile.gif

Well, it defeats the strategy of being a keen commander. You se LAW's 500M away but can't do squat. It is a huge drawback.

I just had a good idea!! How about if BIS could let us lock on to any target upto say, 1500m if we hold the lock button on that spot for a longer time? smile.gif This will mean we (humans) have seen something and want to lock on, and are not just clicking around.

Man, that would be nice, and it could also be implemented for you recognizing targets when being a group leader... hold the target button exaclty over the enemy for a few seconds and bingo.

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Ok.....that's the really strange part that the AI don't see soldiers that is like 200 m away but can spot tanks that are over 1000 m away and behind cover and shit.

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