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Trouble understanding the end / outro / briefing system.

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Ive made quite a few search on that topic, and found bits of informations there and there but I just dont get the whole picture.

When it comes to making an intro, its quite easy, in the editor you build your scene in the intro layer, you create your "intro.sqs", and everything starts automatically ...

Now for the end its not as clear to me :

First you can call 6 different endings from a trigger, but theres only one map editor layer for the victory ending.

Then I dont know what script I should write so that the game to load the ending scene and and play my ending.sqs file.

What is the difference between calling end1, end2 or other endings ? Is the game automatically looking for specific filenames to use, like "end1.sqs" or so ? Do I have to define something in the description file for it to start ?

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class CfgDebriefing(http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Debriefing) in the description.ext replaces the briefing.html. Here is an example

class CfgDebriefing
class End1
	title = "Operation Completed";
	subtitle = "Good work on rescuing the pilots.";
	description = "Pilots rescued.";
	backgroundPicture = "rg.jpg";
	picture = "b_inf";
	pictureColor[] = {0.0,0.3,0.6,1};

	class End2
	title = "Operation Failed";
	subtitle = "Pilots died";
	description = "Pilots are going home but in a body bag";
	backgroundPicture = "rg.jpg";
	picture = "b_inf";
	pictureColor[] = {0.0,0.3,0.6,1};

To call either one of the ending use the BIS_fnc_endMission.

"end1" call BIS_fnc_endMission;

I don't depend on using the 6 endings in the trigger I just code mine end condition in using what I posted above. As far as ending scene I haven't tried to do that so I can't help. Hopefully someone on the forums can help.

Edited by Johnson11B2P
added the link to cfgDebriefings

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Thanks for the informations. Now i have a proper debriefing, but still no outro.

Well I guess it is not very important.

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