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Arty way way off

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I tested the MLRS, and all other forms of arty. Including the modules. Go to a point far enough away form the launchers and call strikes.

I pick my target area on the map and get the correct marker indication but no joy.

Not only are the impacts not even close they are so far off in the distance I can not even see them.

Poor civis in a 20 mile radius are in danger.

Works the same if I launch from the arty pieces myself and use the UAV to watch the targeted area. The arty is way way off.

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Im having the same problem. It really makes artillery support kinda useless even if you fire a bunch of rounds at the same time.

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I'm not sure if I am doing this the same way you guys are but I tried it out tonight.

Using the Arty Computer in the MLRS and using the arty modules with the mortars I find to be very accurate. the MLRS hits my buildings easily and the mortar spread is fairly tight if I launch 4 at a time and I would hate to be anywhere in the vicinity!

Using the gunner position in the MLRS though you have to set the elevation manually using the page up/down keys. That isn't terribly obvious but you can see elevation value doesn't change if you change the weapons pitch.

Only thing of note with the MLRS is to make sure your targets are well within the min and max range circles and that the MODE (Close, Medium, Far Full) in the Artillery Computer determines the usable range in both map and gunner modes. I thought MODE was just for the arty computer to start off with.

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I'm not sure if I am doing this the same way you guys are but I tried it out tonight.

Using the Arty Computer in the MLRS and using the arty modules with the mortars I find to be very accurate. the MLRS hits my buildings easily and the mortar spread is fairly tight if I launch 4 at a time and I would hate to be anywhere in the vicinity!

Using the gunner position in the MLRS though you have to set the elevation manually using the page up/down keys. That isn't terribly obvious but you can see elevation value doesn't change if you change the weapons pitch.

Only thing of note with the MLRS is to make sure your targets are well within the min and max range circles and that the MODE (Close, Medium, Far Full) in the Artillery Computer determines the usable range in both map and gunner modes. I thought MODE was just for the arty computer to start off with.

I guess I should point out I am on the Dev. build. Reading the bug reports seems the arty was very accurate originally (like maybe too accurate) and they "fixed" that.

I will test again maybe something changed..?

I did test with wind and gust turned off a couple of days ago and that helped but my arty was still no where near the area (but at least I could hear a couple of rounds) and actually took out a small village near by.

My original post was from using the modules to call fire support. But I will test firing the MLRS as you describe tonight.

Edited by CanIGetAWhatWhat

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