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Will we rock the science? buildings

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There are many "science" buildings/domes with containment containers inside. Will we have any people to put in them? Soldiers don't make sense. civilian clones don't make sense either. I saw there was a science coverall in early content. By the way, with the exception of the Opfor pilot coveralls, get rid of them. They are ugly. They look like snow (California snow) jumpsuits. they look padded and weird. Look to OA for what pilots look like and Meatballs pilots. Anywyay back to science. If you don't give us stuff it will be really upsetting. Give us more than one scientist and maybe 2 or 3 different kind. ANd how about civilian contractors to work in them OR better yet, some military people specific to that job. Not "lite" or unarmed soldiers. ANd most of all, whatever creatures are supposed to go into those science containers, specific for them. not just prisoners or civilians.

You created a nice island with many real life things. Please don't let those real life things be only for looks.

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Soldiers actually do make sense, but there's a scientist jumpsuit texture in the game so we will see scientists. But soldiers also make sense because General Ostad Javeed Attar is the Iranian (or CSAT) head of research and, I presume, intelligence. He's basically a military officer who is or was also a research professor or something like that. Pretty much a Dr. as well. So he's the one who is managing the whole science domes and that research. You can keep an eye on my Mediterranean Operations addon thread in my sig as I will be posting up the original E3 story to kinda provide a backstory for my addon. Or you can look online or at Armaholic's forum for the Arma 3 E3 Campaign story. It has a list of characters, one or some of whom have been replaced I think.

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