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give orders to AI units via script

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Hi, I'm traying to find how to force player unit to give orders to AI, via script, like the ones in commanding menu: attack, heal, repair, regroup. But it has to be like the orders you give manually, with speech and gestures. Can anybody help me?


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Thanks but want to order the medic to heal someone. Like Command heal tartget.

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Thanks again I already know it but as I said, the purpose is to force the player character to issue a command with voice over radio and even gestures like you do with the mouse in command menu ~ key. I think commandFSM is how you do it but I couldn't find the config files.

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the purpose is to force the player character to issue a command with voice over radio

Do you mean command AI with Voice Commands?

If that's correct, then I don't think there's a system in ArmA to do that. But, there's VAC, witch is software that turns voice into keystrokes. I've used it in ArmA.


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No, actually I was talking about ordinary commands you send to AI via command menu, MOVE, ATTACK, HEAL.

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If you want an animation try this:


Use the the animation view in the editor to find the right one. You could also play the correct sound file, if you knew the name. Just open the sound .pbo's to find what you need. You would combine all that with the correct action and hope the AI obeys.

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You can do this with most of the commands, ei the player will issue a command verbally and the units will respond. However, some commands cannot be issued like this including the heal and get in vehicle commands. To issue scripted commands you have to use the appropriate command:

(groupSelectedUnits player) CommandMove [0,0,0];
(groupSelectedUnits player) CommandTarget _thatman;
commandStop _soldier1;

But sorry there are no scripted commands that relate to issuing heal commands.


check out the command reference, any command starting with 'command' will make the player say and execute the command. BTW commandfollow is how you get the units to regroup and return to formation.

Edited by Sakura_Chan
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Very good you mentioned groupSelectedUnits. I haven't noticed it yet.

But I steel think it is possible to command heal and other unspecified actions through FSM.


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