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Combat Uniform UI not showing in Gear Menu?

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He Guys,

So i'm working on all the UI's for my gears, everything works and is visible in the gear menu accept for my uniforms. What did i wrong? I'll paste my code here.


class MOPP4_USARMY_BASE : SoldierWB {
author = "EvilDutch";
_generalMacro = "MOPP4_USARMY_BASE";
expansion = 1;
identityTypes[] = {"Language_EN_EP1","Head_NATO","NoGlasses"};
faceType = "Man_A3";
side = 1;
faction = "MOPP4_GCM_FC";
genericNames = "NATOMen";
vehicleClass = "MOPP4_USARMY_VC";
portrait = "";
picture = "";
icon = "iconMan";
accuracy = 2.3;
sensitivity = 3;
threat[] = {1,0.1,0.1};
camouflage = 1.4;
minFireTime = 7;
cost = 40000;
canCarryBackPack = 1;
scope = 0;

class Wounds {
	tex[] = {};
	mat[] = {"A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\Data\ia_soldier_01_clothing.rvmat","A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\Data\ia_soldier_01_clothing_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\Data\ia_soldier_01_clothing_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat"};

hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\mopp4_gcm_units\Data\Textures\Uniforms\mopp4_usarmy_01_clothing_co.paa"};

model = "\A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_01.p3d";
modelSides[] = {2,3};
nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody";
uniformClass = "MOPP4_USArmy_CombatUniform";

class UniformInfo {
	class SlotsInfo {
		class NVG: UniformSlotInfo {
			slotType = 602;
		class Scuba: UniformSlotInfo {
			slotType = 604;
		class Googles: UniformSlotInfo {
			slotType = 603;
		class Headgear: UniformSlotInfo {
			slotType = 605;

class HitPoints: HitPoints {
	class HitHead: HitHead {
		armor = "0.3*3";
	class HitBody: HitBody {
		armor = "0.5*10";
	class HitHands: HitHands {
		armor = "0.8*5";
	class HitLegs: HitLegs {
		armor = "0.8*5";

class EventHandlers;

weapons[] = {};
magazines[] = {};
linkedItems[] = {};
Items[] = {};

respawnWeapons[] = {};
respawnMagazines[] = {};
respawnLinkedItems[] = {};

author = "EvilDutch";
_generalMacro = "MOPP4_USARMY_TL";
displayName = "Team Leader (US Army)";
scope = 2;

class SpeechVariants {
	class Default {
		speechSingular[] = {"veh_infantry_officer_s"};
		speechPlural[] = {"veh_infantry_officer_p"};

textSingular = "$STR_A3_nameSound_veh_infantry_officer_s";
textPlural = "$STR_A3_nameSound_veh_infantry_officer_p";
nameSound = "veh_infantry_officer_s";
icon = "iconManLeader";

model = "\A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_01.p3d";
nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody";
uniformClass = "MOPP4_USArmy_CombatUniform_shortsleeve";
backpack = "MOPP4_USArmyBP1";

weapons[] = {"arifle_mas_m16","hgun_mas_bhp_F","Throw","Put","Binocular"};
respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_mas_m16","hgun_mas_bhp_F","Throw","Put","Binocular"};
magazines[] = {"30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"};
respawnMagazines[] = {"30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"};
linkedItems[] = {"MOPP4_USArmyVest1_UCP","MOPP4_USArmyHelmetNG_UCP","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};
respawnLinkedItems[] = {"MOPP4_USArmyVest1_UCP","MOPP4_USArmyHelmetNG_UCP","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};


//** The rest of the units **//


// MOPP4 US Army Combat Uniform
class MOPP4_USArmy_CombatUniform : Uniform_Base {
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "US Army Combat Uniform (UCP)";
	picture = "\mopp4_gcm_units\Data\UI\mopp4_icon_ucp_combatuniform_ca.paa";
	model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver";

	class ItemInfo: UniformItem {
		uniformModel = "-";
		uniformClass = "MOPP4_USARMY_RIFLEMAN";
		containerClass = "Supply20";
		mass = 80;

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try removing the \ in front of your picture path. I don't remember but I think that has something to do with it.

Both work, that wasn't the problem. I fixed the UI's by adding this to my CfgVehiclesUSArmy.hpp

scope = 1;
displayName = "US Army Combat Uniform (UCP)";
uniformClass = "MOPP4_USArmy_CombatUniform";
hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\mopp4_gcm_units\Data\Textures\Uniforms\mopp4_usarmy_01_clothing_co.paa"};

scope = 1;
displayName = "US Army Combat Uniform Shortsleeve (UCP)";
uniformClass = "MOPP4_USArmy_CombatUniform_shortsleeve";
hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\mopp4_gcm_units\Data\Textures\Uniforms\mopp4_usarmy_01_clothing_co.paa"};

And changed the lines in this so it was connected correctly in CfgWeapons.hpp

// MOPP4 US Army Combat Uniform
class MOPP4_USArmy_CombatUniform : Uniform_Base {
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "US Army Combat Uniform (UCP)";
	picture = "\mopp4_gcm_units\Data\UI\mopp4_icon_ucp_combatuniform_ca.paa";
	model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver";

	class ItemInfo: UniformItem {
		uniformModel = "-";
		uniformClass = MOPP4_COMBATUNIFORM; [b]<<< Changed this line!.[/b]
		containerClass = "Supply20";
		mass = 80;

// MOPP4 US Army Combat Uniform - Shortsleeve
class MOPP4_USArmy_CombatUniform_shortsleeve : Uniform_Base {
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "US Army Combat Uniform - Shortsleeve (UCP)";
	picture = "\mopp4_gcm_units\Data\UI\mopp4_icon_ucp_combatuniform_ss_ca.paa";
	model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver";

	class ItemInfo: UniformItem {
		uniformModel = "-";
		uniformClass = MOPP4_COMBATUNIFORM_SS; [b]<<< Changed this line!.[/b]
		containerClass = "Supply20";
		mass = 80;

But!, that gave me another problem sadly.. The pictures, and names are correct but the models for short sleeve and long sleeve don't show correctly anymore. :S

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Try changing uniformClass = MOPP4_COMBATUNIFORM; to uniformClass = "MOPP4_COMBATUNIFORM";

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Try changing uniformClass = MOPP4_COMBATUNIFORM; to uniformClass = "MOPP4_COMBATUNIFORM";

Thanks for you're reply, also with that both will work since it's a class. Classes work both with or with out the brackets so far i know.

The problem was, and i must say it was pretty logical and don't know why i didn't think about it before is that in the MOPP4_USARMY_BASE i had the standard model included model = "\A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_01.p3d";. So basically it keeps giving me the same model over and over again. So this is what i did with it in the CfgVehiclesUSArmy.hpp

scope = 1;
displayName = "US Army Combat Uniform (UCP)";
uniformClass = "MOPP4_USArmy_CombatUniform";
hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\mopp4_gcm_units\Data\Textures\Uniforms\mopp4_usarmy_01_clothing_co.paa"};
model = "\A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_01.p3d"; [b]<<< Added model for the long sleeve.[/b]

scope = 1;
displayName = "US Army Combat Uniform - Shortsleeve (UCP)";
uniformClass = "MOPP4_USArmy_CombatUniform_shortsleeve";
hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\mopp4_gcm_units\Data\Textures\Uniforms\mopp4_usarmy_01_clothing_co.paa"};
model = "\A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_02.p3d"; [b]<<< Added model for the short sleeve.[/b]

And this was the magic trick, now i got my UI images and the models work :yay: Thanks for the effort trying to help me :o

~ Fixed

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