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Problems with adding weapons

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Okay guys i need some help with my arma 3 here,

I have been trying to make this work for more than a couple of days and have searched everything and i won't get this to work.

What I am trying to do is, make my Italian SF (addon) equip some silencers, because in the addon the Italian SF does not come with silencers by themselves.

I have tried various things like ''this addprimaryweaponitem muzzle_snds_H'', or like removing all their weapons (''removeallweapons this;'') and just use ''this addweapon arifle_MXC_Holo_pointer_snds_F'' for example.

If i just add a Silencer and i start the game it does end up in my inventory but is not yet attached to the gun (which is of course a problem if you want your AI to have silencers as well), and if I trie to make it work by first removing all weapons and adding a new one, i just spawn without any guns at all. Oh and by the way this happens also with normal NATO units.

Is there anyone who knows what to do?,


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You are missing "" around the names of the equipment. Try this:

this addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_H";

And so forth for the others. Make sure that the suppressor name matches the caliber of the weapon; there are different ones.

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You are missing "" around the names of the equipment. Try this:

this addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_H";

And so forth for the others. Make sure that the suppressor name matches the caliber of the weapon; there are different ones.

Yeah i did that, it doesnt make a difference, it matches my weapon because i can equip it manually if i go to my inventory..

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Guns can only use silencers if they are specifically configured to. What weapon exactly are you using? Are you using the new version of the units with the correct weapons pack?

yeah the add attachments thing is not gonna work because the italian addon has way different weapons, but if I removeallweapons it is supposed to work if i then add a weapon right?

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