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2 questions for a multiplayer mission

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I have two questions:


Is there a script to put an ammo box in a truck?

It isn't for the ammo or weapons but for the show.


I'm making an multiplayer mission with two team against each other, but how can i set up that one team will win and the other team will lose?

I hope you can help me!

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1. Try this:


2. You could set up a trigger and use this:


You would need to call that function with different parameters for different players. You would also need a trigger with a condition that determined which team won.

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question 1 is answord but question 2 still doesn't work.

Is there maybe a script what only works for one site? So i put 2 script for both sides one.

Or are there other ways?

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BIS_fnc_endMission has local effect; that means that it can do different things on different machines. You need to create a function that determines which side a player is on, then calls BIS_fnc_endMission with different parameters depending on where that side won or lost. To set up these different endings see this page:


For example, let there be a trigger that determines if Blufor has won. That trigger calls a function, 'BluforWin'. That function must execute on all clients. BluforWin could be something like this:

BluforWin = {
   if ((side player) == west) then {
       0 = "WinBlufor" call BIS_fnc_endMission;
   } else {
       0 = "LoseOpfor" call BIS_fnc_endMission;

You must, in your description.ext, define the classes 'WinBlufor' and 'LoseOpfor'. These classes are defined on all clients, but used only on some. You would have to duplicate the above function for the Opfor winning as well as set up the relevant classes.

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