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How to prevent vehicles stops some seconds at waypoints

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Hi guys,

I am trying to "manage" the waypoints system. So the thing I want to do is to make a ship turn around a little island. In order to achieve this I made 7 waypoints around the island almost everything works fine. The only problem I got is the boat stops some seconds at each waypoint. Do you know if there is a way to tell the ship not to wait and go to Waypoint (n+1) when arrived at Waypoint n ?

At the moment here is what my ship do (S = ship; W = Waypoint)

S---------(ship go to waypoint1)-----------W1(wait some sec)-----------(ship go to waypoint 2)-----------W2(wait some sec) etc....

If I am not clear about my request, please tell me.

Thanks a lot.

Edited by Zombitch

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lol ok, but how to tell the boat driver (that is an AI) to turn around the island without waypoints ? ^^

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Waypoints have an execution range, set them to like 50 meters and the boat driver shouldn't slow down. Try this and give us feedback :)

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There is one for sure option, but boats don't seem to work well with rules. First, set your waypoints. Now create a trigger ahead of the waypoint. The trigger activation should be you or your group/boat and the type of trigger should be "switch". Synchronize the trigger to the waypoint behind it.

So as you move toward the first waypoint, you hit the first trigger, that trigger will switch your current waypoint to the next one. So basically your current waypoint disappears so you head to the next in line. That will prevent your vehicle from stopping because it never reaches a waypoint.

Now the problem is that the trigger needs to be far enough in advance of the waypoint so that the unit won't stop. If you set the trigger too close to the waypoint the unit might still stop or delay. Most vehicles will set off their waypoints a long ways off. Aircraft can be 50-100 meters off, tanks 20-40, etc...So play around with the positions of waypoints and triggers so you get the result you want. You might have to run through it a few times to get it set right. Turns for example, will be tricky. Don't put the waypoint at the place you want him to turn. Put the waypoint past the turn and put the trigger just before the turn.

Boats are insane so plan on pulling your hair out.

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Waypoints have an execution range, set them to like 50 meters and the boat driver shouldn't slow down. Try this and give us feedback :)

I've try this but it has no visible effect, as if I have done nothing.

There is one for sure option, but boats don't seem to work well with rules. First, set your waypoints. Now create a trigger ahead of the waypoint. The trigger activation should be you or your group/boat and the type of trigger should be "switch". Synchronize the trigger to the waypoint behind it.

So as you move toward the first waypoint, you hit the first trigger, that trigger will switch your current waypoint to the next one. So basically your current waypoint disappears so you head to the next in line. That will prevent your vehicle from stopping because it never reaches a waypoint.

Now the problem is that the trigger needs to be far enough in advance of the waypoint so that the unit won't stop. If you set the trigger too close to the waypoint the unit might still stop or delay. Most vehicles will set off their waypoints a long ways off. Aircraft can be 50-100 meters off, tanks 20-40, etc...So play around with the positions of waypoints and triggers so you get the result you want. You might have to run through it a few times to get it set right. Turns for example, will be tricky. Don't put the waypoint at the place you want him to turn. Put the waypoint past the turn and put the trigger just before the turn.

Boats are insane so plan on pulling your hair out.


I read something like that in the armaholic forum, I tried to make it but I didn't succeed synchronize the Trigger with my waypoint. As I'm at work I can't test right now. I 'll tell you once I'll get back home.

Thanks ;)

Edited by Zombitch

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