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Radio Command Trigger not Using Conditions (HELP)

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This is seriously getting on my fucking nerves. I've been troubleshooting this for hours now, and it's only an extremely basic thing.

I've set up a simple radio and trigger sync to make a group attack a location when activated. This works. However, my mission requires more than this; it is a two team opposition mission, and it is very possible for one team to have no players at all. In this case, the AI group should automatically attack.

This is simple, I should obviously set the condition of the synced trigger to "this or (playersNumber west == 0)." Yet this does not work if there is no one to call the radio. I then tried creating a boolean called 'noBlue' and passed it to the trigger, still no success.

Can someone please help before I punch a damn hole in this monitor?

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If you're counting something you don't want this generally unless you're counting what's activating the trigger.

So you want the AI to attack if there are no playable units in the trigger area?

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It seems OR does not work for radio triggers. You can use AND though

Radio triggers will only activate if a player calls the radio, ie the trigger can only activate for condition fields involve "this". Conditions not including this will be ignored.

Edited by ceeeb

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Kylania, I want multiple AI groups to attack if there is no BLUFOR unit to call the radio, so they should attack if there is no BLUFOR player.

Ceeeb, that's disappointing... how can I make a work around for this? Any suggestions?

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If there are no players why is anything happening at all? Or is this some kind of hybrid TvTvsAI without teams?

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You could just use two triggers, one with a radio command, and another with a condition for there being no humans on the blufor side. The triggers would activate the same code, and they could delete the other one when they fire. Only one trigger will ever fire anyway though.

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Kylania, exactly. Defending INDFOR team against attacking BLUFOR team. Four playable slots on each side, and BLUFOR slots call the attack shots by squad (mechanized, motorized, airborne, CAS, etc.).

Zenophon, are you suggesting I sync two triggers to the same waypoints? Would that work? And also, if this would work, how does one delete triggers? I've looked for that before but to no avail.

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