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AI with SDV Periscope

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In the editor: I spawned in a NATO SDV and spawned 3 Friendly AI in my squad. I was the driver in the SDV and there was a gunner and 2 passengers(Of course). But the problem I was facing is that the gunner could not put down the periscope.

I selected the correct squad member who was in the gunner position and pressed '6' to get up the commands tab and all it says is "Eject" and "Close/Open Hatch" Nothing else. Is there a way to make the AI put the periscope up and down? And if not are you going to add that feature? Because what I'm doing now is having to tell the gunner to get out and then go to the gunner position and change the periscope manually. Followed by me going back to the drivers seat and then telling my Squad member to get back in. Sorry this was a big report. wondered how much information you needed, a lot of the time I see peoples questions and there isn't enough information. Thanks. Bye


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In the editor: I spawned in a NATO SDV and spawned 3 Friendly AI in my squad. I was the driver in the SDV and there was a gunner and 2 passengers(Of course). But the problem I was facing is that the gunner could not put down the periscope.

I selected the correct squad member who was in the gunner position and pressed '6' to get up the commands tab and all it says is "Eject" and "Close/Open Hatch" Nothing else. Is there a way to make the AI put the periscope up and down? And if not are you going to add that feature? Because what I'm doing now is having to tell the gunner to get out and then go to the gunner position and change the periscope manually. Followed by me going back to the drivers seat and then telling my Squad member to get back in. Sorry this was a big report. wondered how much information you needed, a lot of the time I see peoples questions and there isn't enough information. Thanks. Bye


Look in the config of SDV, especially UserActions. What you are interested in is this line:

statement = "this animate ["periscope",3];this animate ["Antenna",3];this animate ["HideScope",3]; this animate ["display_on_R",1];";

I think, you can easily achieve what you want with this advice. ;)

EDIT: Now I've noticed I am in wrong thread. I've been searching some scripting related stuff and thought you try to achieve this via script. LOL.

Would you please delete this post?

Edited by burkhar

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