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worldspace script copy problem

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Hi everybody ,

I find a worldspace script but i want ameliorate it because this script copy the worldspace in a special format

this is the script :

//; ****************************************************************
//; Script file for ArmA 2
//; Created by: Tankbuster
//; ****************************************************************
// to be called by radio so that player can find exact coordinates from within the game.
hint "showloc";

t_pos = getPos player;

t_pos_x_eastwest = (t_pos select 0);

t_pos_y_northsouth = (t_pos select 1);

t_pos_z_altitude = (t_pos select 2);

hint format ["East/west = %1 , North/south = %2 , altitude = %3", t_pos_x_eastwest, t_pos_y_northsouth, t_pos_z_altitude];

copyToClipboard format ["East/west = %1, north/south = %2, altitude = %3", t_pos_x_eastwest, t_pos_y_northsouth, t_pos_z_altitude];
if [true] then exitWith [];

So my question is :

Where is the clipboard to recup the worldspace ?

and it is possible to edit the script to save in a file with a format like this : [359,[12495.8,15195.5,0.001]]

Thanks a lot for you'r help .

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Where is the clipboard to recup the worldspace ?

Just open whatever you use to edit scripts and press Ctrl + V after script execution.

and it is possible to edit the script to save in a file with a format like this : [359,[12495.8,15195.5,0.001]]

You can only copy something to clipboard, but can’t save to file, so script will be looking like this:

_pos = getPos player;
_msg = format ["[%1,[%2,%3,%4]]",direction player,_pos select 0,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
hint _msg;
copyToClipboard _msg;

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